using ArgsUniform; namespace AutoClient { public class Configuration { [Uniform("codex-endpoints", "ce", "CODEXENDPOINTS", false, "Codex endpoints. Semi-colon separated. (default 'http://localhost:8080')")] public string CodexEndpoints { get; set; } = ""; //"http://localhost:8080"; [Uniform("datapath", "dp", "DATAPATH", false, "Root path where all data files will be saved.")] public string DataPath { get; set; } = "datapath"; [Uniform("purchases", "np", "PURCHASES", false, "Number of concurrent purchases.")] public int NumConcurrentPurchases { get; set; } = 10; [Uniform("contract-duration", "cd", "CONTRACTDURATION", false, "contract duration in minutes. (default 6 hours)")] public int ContractDurationMinutes { get; set; } = 60 * 24 * 6; // 6 days //60 * 6; 6 hours // Cluster nodes configured for max 7-day storage. [Uniform("contract-expiry", "ce", "CONTRACTEXPIRY", false, "contract expiry in minutes. (default 15 minutes)")] public int ContractExpiryMinutes { get; set; } = 60; [Uniform("num-hosts", "nh", "NUMHOSTS", false, "Number of hosts for contract. (default 10)")] public int NumHosts { get; set; } = 5; [Uniform("num-hosts-tolerance", "nt", "NUMTOL", false, "Number of host tolerance for contract. (default 5)")] public int HostTolerance { get; set; } = 1; [Uniform("price","p", "PRICE", false, "Price of contract. (default 10)")] public int Price { get; set; } = 1000; [Uniform("collateral", "c", "COLLATERAL", false, "Required collateral. (default 1)")] public int RequiredCollateral { get; set; } = 1; [Uniform("filesizemb", "smb", "FILESIZEMB", false, "When greater than zero, size of file generated and uploaded. When zero, random images are used instead.")] public int FileSizeMb { get; set; } = 0; [Uniform("folderToStore", "fts", "FOLDERTOSTORE", false, "When set, autoclient will attempt to upload and purchase storage for every non-JSON file in the provided folder.")] public string FolderToStore { get; set; } = "D:\\Transmission\\EthereumMainnetPreMergeEraFiles"; public string LogPath { get { return Path.Combine(DataPath, "logs"); } } } }