using BiblioTech.Options; using CodexPlugin; namespace BiblioTech.Commands { public class AdminCommand : BaseCommand { private readonly ClearUserAssociationCommand clearCommand; private readonly ReportCommand reportCommand; private readonly DeployListCommand deployListCommand; private readonly DeployUploadCommand deployUploadCommand; private readonly DeployRemoveCommand deployRemoveCommand; public override string Name => "admin"; public override string StartingMessage => "..."; public override string Description => "Admins only."; public AdminCommand(DeploymentsFilesMonitor monitor) { clearCommand = new ClearUserAssociationCommand(); reportCommand = new ReportCommand(); deployListCommand = new DeployListCommand(monitor); deployUploadCommand = new DeployUploadCommand(monitor); deployRemoveCommand = new DeployRemoveCommand(monitor); } public override CommandOption[] Options => new CommandOption[] { clearCommand, reportCommand, deployListCommand, deployUploadCommand, deployRemoveCommand }; protected override async Task Invoke(CommandContext context) { if (!IsSenderAdmin(context.Command)) { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("You're not an admin."); return; } await clearCommand.CommandHandler(context); await reportCommand.CommandHandler(context); await deployListCommand.CommandHandler(context); await deployUploadCommand.CommandHandler(context); await deployRemoveCommand.CommandHandler(context); } public class ClearUserAssociationCommand : SubCommandOption { private readonly UserOption user = new UserOption("User to clear Eth address for.", true); public ClearUserAssociationCommand() : base("clear", "Admin only. Clears current Eth address for a user, allowing them to set a new one.") { } public override CommandOption[] Options => new[] { user }; protected override async Task onSubCommand(CommandContext context) { var userId = user.GetOptionUserId(context); if (userId == null) { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("Failed to get user ID"); return; } Program.UserRepo.ClearUserAssociatedAddress(userId.Value); await context.Command.FollowupAsync("Done."); } } public class ReportCommand : SubCommandOption { private readonly UserOption user = new UserOption( description: "User to report history for.", isRequired: true); public ReportCommand() : base("report", "Admin only. Reports bot-interaction history for a user.") { } public override CommandOption[] Options => new[] { user }; protected override async Task onSubCommand(CommandContext context) { var userId = user.GetOptionUserId(context); if (userId == null) { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("Failed to get user ID"); return; } var report = Program.UserRepo.GetInteractionReport(userId.Value); await context.Command.FollowupAsync(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, report)); } } public class DeployListCommand : SubCommandOption { private readonly DeploymentsFilesMonitor monitor; public DeployListCommand(DeploymentsFilesMonitor monitor) : base("list", "Lists current deployments.") { this.monitor = monitor; } protected override async Task onSubCommand(CommandContext context) { var deployments = monitor.GetDeployments(); if (!deployments.Any()) { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("No deployments available."); return; } await context.Command.FollowupAsync($"Deployments: {string.Join(", ", deployments.Select(FormatDeployment))}"); } private string FormatDeployment(CodexDeployment deployment) { var m = deployment.Metadata; return $"'{m.Name}' ({m.StartUtc.ToString("o")})"; } } public class DeployUploadCommand : SubCommandOption { private readonly DeploymentsFilesMonitor monitor; private readonly FileAttachementOption fileOption = new FileAttachementOption( name: "json", description: "Codex-deployment json to add.", isRequired: true); public DeployUploadCommand(DeploymentsFilesMonitor monitor) : base("add", "Upload a new deployment JSON file.") { this.monitor = monitor; } public override CommandOption[] Options => new[] { fileOption }; protected override async Task onSubCommand(CommandContext context) { var file = await fileOption.Parse(context); if (file == null) return; var result = await monitor.DownloadDeployment(file); if (result) { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("Success!"); } else { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("That didn't work."); } } } public class DeployRemoveCommand : SubCommandOption { private readonly DeploymentsFilesMonitor monitor; private readonly StringOption stringOption = new StringOption( name: "deployment name", description: "Name of deployment to remove.", isRequired: true); public DeployRemoveCommand(DeploymentsFilesMonitor monitor) : base("remove", "Removes a deployment file.") { this.monitor = monitor; } public override CommandOption[] Options => new[] { stringOption }; protected override async Task onSubCommand(CommandContext context) { var str = await stringOption.Parse(context); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return; var result = monitor.DeleteDeployment(str); if (result) { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("Success!"); } else { await context.Command.FollowupAsync("That didn't work."); } } } } }