using Logging; namespace AutoClient.Modes.FolderStore { public class FileWorker : FileStatus { private readonly App app; private readonly ILog log; private readonly ICodexInstance instance; private readonly PurchaseInfo purchaseInfo; private readonly string sourceFilename; private readonly Action onFileUploaded; private readonly Action onNewPurchase; private readonly CodexNode codex; public FileWorker(App app, ICodexInstance instance, PurchaseInfo purchaseInfo, string folder, FileIndex fileIndex, Action onFileUploaded, Action onNewPurchase) : base(app, folder, fileIndex.File + ".json", purchaseInfo) { = app; log = new LogPrefixer(app.Log, GetFileTag(fileIndex)); this.instance = instance; this.purchaseInfo = purchaseInfo; sourceFilename = fileIndex.File; if (sourceFilename.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".json")) throw new Exception("Not an era file."); this.onFileUploaded = onFileUploaded; this.onNewPurchase = onNewPurchase; codex = new CodexNode(app, instance); } public int FailureCounter => State.FailureCounter; public async Task Update() { try { Log($"Updating for '{sourceFilename}'..."); var cid = await EnsureCid(); await EnsureRecentPurchase(cid); SaveState(); app.Log.Log(""); } catch (Exception exc) { app.Log.Error("Exception during fileworker update: " + exc); State.Error = exc.ToString(); SaveState(); throw; } } private async Task EnsureCid() { Log($"Checking CID..."); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(State.EncodedCid) && await DoesCidExistInNetwork(State.EncodedCid)) { Log("Encoded-CID successfully found in the network."); // TODO: Using the encoded CID currently would result in double-encoding of the dataset. // See: // Always use the basic CID for now, even though we have to repeat the encoding. // When using encoded CID works: return State.EncodedCid; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(State.Cid) && await DoesCidExistInNetwork(State.Cid)) { Log("Basic-CID successfully found in the network."); return State.Cid; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(State.Cid)) { Log("File was not previously uploaded."); } Log($"Uploading..."); var cid = await codex.UploadFile(sourceFilename); onFileUploaded(); Log("Got Basic-CID: " + cid); State.Cid = cid.Id; SaveState(); return State.Cid; } private async Task DoesCidExistInNetwork(string cid) { try { var manifest = await instance.Codex.DownloadNetworkManifestAsync(cid); if (manifest == null) return false; } catch { return false; } return true; } private async Task EnsureRecentPurchase(string cid) { Log($"Checking recent purchase..."); var recent = GetMostRecent(); if (recent == null) { Log($"No recent purchase."); await MakeNewPurchase(cid); return; } await UpdatePurchase(recent); if (recent.Expiry.HasValue) { Log($"Purchase has failed or expired."); await MakeNewPurchase(cid); State.FailureCounter++; return; } if (recent.Finish.HasValue) { Log($"Purchase has finished."); await MakeNewPurchase(cid); return; } var safeEnd = recent.Created + purchaseInfo.PurchaseDurationSafe; if (recent.Started.HasValue && DateTime.UtcNow > safeEnd) { Log($"Purchase is going to expire soon."); await MakeNewPurchase(cid); return; } if (!recent.Submitted.HasValue) { Log($"Purchase is waiting to be submitted."); return; } if (recent.Submitted.HasValue && !recent.Started.HasValue) { Log($"Purchase is submitted and waiting to start."); return; } Log($"Purchase is running."); } private async Task UpdatePurchase(WorkerPurchase recent) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recent.Pid)) throw new Exception("No purchaseID!"); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var purchase = await codex.GetStoragePurchase(recent.Pid); if (purchase == null) { Log($"No purchase information found for PID '{recent.Pid}'. Consider this one expired."); recent.Expiry = now; return; } if (purchase.IsSubmitted) { if (!recent.Submitted.HasValue) recent.Submitted = now; } if (purchase.IsStarted) { if (!recent.Submitted.HasValue) recent.Submitted = now; if (!recent.Started.HasValue) recent.Started = now; } if (purchase.IsCancelled) { if (!recent.Submitted.HasValue) recent.Submitted = now; if (!recent.Expiry.HasValue) recent.Expiry = now; } if (purchase.IsError) { if (!recent.Submitted.HasValue) recent.Submitted = now; if (!recent.Expiry.HasValue) recent.Expiry = now; } if (purchase.IsFinished) { if (!recent.Submitted.HasValue) recent.Submitted = now; if (!recent.Started.HasValue) recent.Started = now; if (!recent.Finish.HasValue) recent.Finish = now; } SaveState(); } private async Task MakeNewPurchase(string cid) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cid)) throw new Exception("No cid!"); Log($"Creating new purchase..."); var response = await codex.RequestStorage(new CodexPlugin.ContentId(cid)); var purchaseId = response.PurchaseId; var encodedCid = response.EncodedCid; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(purchaseId) || purchaseId == "Unable to encode manifest" || purchaseId == "Purchasing not available" || purchaseId == "Expiry required" || purchaseId == "Expiry needs to be in future" || purchaseId == "Expiry has to be before the request's end (now + duration)") { throw new InvalidOperationException(purchaseId); } var newPurchase = new WorkerPurchase { Created = DateTime.UtcNow, Pid = purchaseId }; State.Purchases = State.Purchases.Concat([newPurchase]).ToArray(); State.EncodedCid = encodedCid.Id; SaveState(); onNewPurchase(); Log($"New purchase created. PID: '{purchaseId}'."); Log("Got Encoded-CID: " + encodedCid); Log("Waiting for submit..."); Thread.Sleep(500); var timeout = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); while (DateTime.UtcNow < timeout) { Thread.Sleep(5000); await UpdatePurchase(newPurchase); if (newPurchase.Submitted.HasValue) { Log("New purchase successfully submitted."); return; } } Log("New purchase was not submitted within 5-minute timeout. Will check again later..."); } private void Log(string msg) { log.Log(msg); } private string GetFileTag(FileIndex filename) { return $"({filename.Index.ToString("00000")}) "; } [Serializable] public class WorkerStatus { public string Cid { get; set; } = string.Empty; public string EncodedCid { get; set; } = string.Empty; public int FailureCounter { get; set; } = 0; public string Error { get; set; } = string.Empty; public WorkerPurchase[] Purchases { get; set; } = Array.Empty(); } [Serializable] public class WorkerPurchase { public string Pid { get; set; } = string.Empty; public DateTime Created { get; set; } public DateTime? Submitted { get; set; } public DateTime? Started { get; set; } public DateTime? Expiry { get; set; } public DateTime? Finish { get; set; } } } }