using CodexPlugin; using FileUtils; using Logging; using Utils; using static CodexTests.Helpers.FullConnectivityHelper; namespace CodexTests.Helpers { public class PeerDownloadTestHelpers : IFullConnectivityImplementation { private readonly FullConnectivityHelper helper; private readonly IFileManager fileManager; private ByteSize testFileSize; public PeerDownloadTestHelpers(ILog log, IFileManager fileManager) { helper = new FullConnectivityHelper(log, this); testFileSize = 1.MB(); this.fileManager = fileManager; } public void AssertFullDownloadInterconnectivity(IEnumerable nodes, ByteSize testFileSize) { this.testFileSize = testFileSize; helper.AssertFullyConnected(nodes); } public string Description() { return "Download Connectivity"; } public string ValidateEntry(Entry entry, Entry[] allEntries) { return string.Empty; } public PeerConnectionState Check(Entry from, Entry to) { return fileManager.ScopedFiles(() => CheckConnectivity(from, to)); } private PeerConnectionState CheckConnectivity(Entry from, Entry to) { var expectedFile = GenerateTestFile(from.Node, to.Node); var contentId = from.Node.UploadFile(expectedFile); try { var downloadedFile = DownloadFile(to.Node, contentId, expectedFile.Label + "_downloaded"); expectedFile.AssertIsEqual(downloadedFile); return PeerConnectionState.Connection; } catch { // Should an exception occur during the download or file-content assertion, // We consider that as no-connection for the purpose of this test. return PeerConnectionState.NoConnection; } // Should an exception occur during upload, then this try is inconclusive and we try again next loop. } private TrackedFile? DownloadFile(ICodexNode node, ContentId contentId, string label) { return node.DownloadContent(contentId, label); } private TrackedFile GenerateTestFile(ICodexNode uploader, ICodexNode downloader) { var up = uploader.GetName().Replace("<", "").Replace(">", ""); var down = downloader.GetName().Replace("<", "").Replace(">", ""); var label = $"~from:{up}-to:{down}~"; return fileManager.GenerateFile(testFileSize, label); } } }