using DistTestCore.Codex; using DistTestCore; using NUnit.Framework; using Logging; using Utils; namespace Tests.PeerDiscoveryTests { public static class PeerTestHelpers { private static readonly Random random = new Random(); public static void AssertFullyConnected(IEnumerable nodes, BaseLog? log = null) { AssertFullyConnected(log, nodes.ToArray()); } public static void AssertFullyConnected(BaseLog? log = null, params IOnlineCodexNode[] nodes) { var entries = CreateEntries(nodes); var pairs = CreatePairs(entries); RetryWhilePairs(pairs, () => { CheckAndRemoveSuccessful(pairs, log); }); if (pairs.Any()) { Assert.Fail(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, pairs.Select(p => p.GetMessage()))); } } private static void RetryWhilePairs(List pairs, Action action) { var timeout = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); while (pairs.Any() && (timeout > DateTime.UtcNow)) { action(); if (pairs.Any()) Time.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } } private static void CheckAndRemoveSuccessful(List pairs, BaseLog? log) { var checkTasks = pairs.Select(p => Task.Run(p.Check)).ToArray(); Task.WaitAll(checkTasks); foreach (var pair in pairs.ToArray()) { if (pair.Success) { pairs.Remove(pair); if (log != null) log.Log(pair.GetMessage()); } else { pair.IncreaseTimeout(); } } } private static Entry[] CreateEntries(IOnlineCodexNode[] nodes) { return nodes.Select(n => new Entry(n)).ToArray(); } private static List CreatePairs(Entry[] entries) { return CreatePairsIterator(entries).ToList(); } private static IEnumerable CreatePairsIterator(Entry[] entries) { for (var x = 0; x < entries.Length; x++) { for (var y = x + 1; y < entries.Length; y++) { yield return new Pair(entries[x], entries[y]); } } } public class Entry { public Entry(IOnlineCodexNode node) { Node = node; Response = node.GetDebugInfo(); } public IOnlineCodexNode Node { get ; } public CodexDebugResponse Response { get; } } public class Pair { private TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60); private TimeSpan aToBTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); private TimeSpan bToATime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); public Pair(Entry a, Entry b) { A = a; B = b; } public Entry A { get; } public Entry B { get; } public bool AKnowsB { get; private set; } public bool BKnowsA { get; private set; } public bool Success { get { return AKnowsB && BKnowsA; } } public void Check() { ApplyRandomDelay(); aToBTime = Measure(() => AKnowsB = Knows(A, B)); bToATime = Measure(() => BKnowsA = Knows(B, A)); } public string GetMessage() { return GetResultMessage() + GetTimePostfix(); } public void IncreaseTimeout() { //timeout *= 2; } private string GetResultMessage() { var aName =; var bName =; if (AKnowsB && BKnowsA) { return $"{aName} and {bName} know each other."; } if (AKnowsB) { return $"{aName} knows {bName}, but {bName} does not know {aName}"; } if (BKnowsA) { return $"{bName} knows {aName}, but {aName} does not know {bName}"; } return $"{aName} and {bName} don't know each other."; } private string GetTimePostfix() { var aName =; var bName =; return $" ({aName}->{bName}: {aToBTime.TotalMinutes} seconds, {bName}->{aName}: {bToATime.TotalSeconds} seconds)"; } private static void ApplyRandomDelay() { // Calling all the nodes all at the same time is not exactly nice. Time.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMicroseconds(random.Next(10, 100))); } private static TimeSpan Measure(Action action) { var start = DateTime.UtcNow; action(); return DateTime.UtcNow - start; } private bool Knows(Entry a, Entry b) { lock (a) { var peerId =; try { var response = a.Node.GetDebugPeer(peerId, timeout); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.peerId) && response.addresses.Any()) { return true; } } catch { } return false; } } } } }