mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 03:04:42 +00:00
Merge branch 'feature/grafana-dashboard' into spike/local-continuous-debug
# Conflicts: # ContinuousTests/ContinuousTestRunner.cs
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
var marketplaceConfig = new MarketplaceInitialConfig(100000.Eth(), 0.TestTokens(), validatorsLeft > 0);
marketplaceConfig.AccountIndexOverride = i;
codexStart.MarketplaceConfig = marketplaceConfig;
codexStart.MetricsEnabled = config.RecordMetrics;
codexStart.MetricsMode = config.Metrics;
if (config.BlockTTL != Configuration.SecondsIn1Day)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using ArgsUniform;
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using DistTestCore.Metrics;
namespace CodexNetDeployer
@ -44,14 +44,12 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
[Uniform("block-ttl", "bt", "BLOCKTTL", false, "Block timeout in seconds. Default is 24 hours.")]
public int BlockTTL { get; set; } = SecondsIn1Day;
[Uniform("record-metrics", "rm", "RECORDMETRICS", false, "If true, metrics will be collected for all Codex nodes.")]
public bool RecordMetrics { get; set; } = false;
[Uniform("metrics", "m", "METRICS", false, "[None*, Record, Dashboard]. Determines if metrics will be recorded and if a dashboard service will be created.")]
public MetricsMode Metrics { get; set; } = MetricsMode.None;
[Uniform("teststype-podlabel", "ttpl", "TESTSTYPE-PODLABEL", false, "Each kubernetes pod will be created with a label 'teststype' with value 'continuous'. " +
"set this option to override the label value.")]
public string TestsTypePodLabel { get; set; } = "continuous";
public TestRunnerLocation RunnerLocation { get; set; } = TestRunnerLocation.InternalToCluster;
public string TestsTypePodLabel { get; set; } = "continuous-tests";
public List<string> Validate()
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
// We trick the Geth companion node into unlocking all of its accounts, by saying we want to start 999 codex nodes.
var setup = new CodexSetup(999, config.CodexLogLevel);
setup.MetricsEnabled = config.RecordMetrics;
setup.MetricsMode = config.Metrics;
Log("Creating Geth instance and deploying contracts...");
var gethStarter = new GethStarter(lifecycle);
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
if (container != null) codexContainers.Add(container);
var prometheusContainer = StartMetricsService(lifecycle, setup, codexContainers);
var (prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo) = StartMetricsService(lifecycle, setup, codexContainers);
return new CodexDeployment(gethResults, codexContainers.ToArray(), prometheusContainer, CreateMetadata());
return new CodexDeployment(gethResults, codexContainers.ToArray(), prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo, CreateMetadata());
private TestLifecycle CreateTestLifecycle()
@ -68,20 +68,25 @@ namespace CodexNetDeployer
logDebug: false,
dataFilesPath: "notUsed",
codexLogLevel: config.CodexLogLevel,
runnerLocation: config.RunnerLocation,
k8sNamespacePrefix: config.KubeNamespace
return new TestLifecycle(log, lifecycleConfig, timeset, config.TestsTypePodLabel, string.Empty);
private RunningContainer? StartMetricsService(TestLifecycle lifecycle, CodexSetup setup, List<RunningContainer> codexContainers)
private (RunningContainer?, GrafanaStartInfo?) StartMetricsService(TestLifecycle lifecycle, CodexSetup setup, List<RunningContainer> codexContainers)
if (!setup.MetricsEnabled) return null;
if (setup.MetricsMode == DistTestCore.Metrics.MetricsMode.None) return (null, null);
Log("Starting metrics service...");
var runningContainers = new[] { new RunningContainers(null!, null!, codexContainers.ToArray()) };
return lifecycle.PrometheusStarter.CollectMetricsFor(runningContainers).Containers.Single();
var prometheusContainer = lifecycle.PrometheusStarter.CollectMetricsFor(runningContainers).Containers.Single();
if (setup.MetricsMode == DistTestCore.Metrics.MetricsMode.Record) return (prometheusContainer, null);
Log("Starting dashboard service...");
var grafanaStartInfo = lifecycle.GrafanaStarter.StartDashboard(prometheusContainer);
return (prometheusContainer, grafanaStartInfo);
private string? GetKubeConfig(string kubeConfigFile)
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using ArgsUniform;
using CodexNetDeployer;
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using DistTestCore.Marketplace;
using DistTestCore.Metrics;
@ -17,11 +16,6 @@ public class Program
var uniformArgs = new ArgsUniform<Configuration>(PrintHelp, args);
var config = uniformArgs.Parse(true);
if (args.Any(a => a == "--external"))
config.RunnerLocation = TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster;
var errors = config.Validate();
if (errors.Any())
@ -36,7 +30,8 @@ public class Program
$"\tCodex image: '{new CodexContainerRecipe().Image}'" + nl +
$"\tCodexContracts image: '{new CodexContractsContainerRecipe().Image}'" + nl +
$"\tPrometheus image: '{new PrometheusContainerRecipe().Image}'" + nl +
$"\tGeth image: '{new GethContainerRecipe().Image}'" + nl);
$"\tGeth image: '{new GethContainerRecipe().Image}'" + nl +
$"\tGrafana image: '{new GrafanaContainerRecipe().Image}'" + nl);
if (!args.Any(a => a == "-y"))
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ dotnet run \
--max-collateral=1024 \
--max-duration=3600000 \
--block-ttl=300 \
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using ArgsUniform;
using DistTestCore;
using DistTestCore.Codex;
namespace CodexNetDownloader
@ -16,7 +15,5 @@ namespace CodexNetDownloader
public string KubeConfigFile { get; set; } = "null";
public CodexDeployment CodexDeployment { get; set; } = null!;
public TestRunnerLocation RunnerLocation { get; set; } = TestRunnerLocation.InternalToCluster;
@ -15,17 +15,12 @@ public class Program
var uniformArgs = new ArgsUniform<CodexNetDownloader.Configuration>(PrintHelp, args);
var config = uniformArgs.Parse(true);
if (args.Any(a => a == "--external"))
config.RunnerLocation = TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster;
config.CodexDeployment = ParseCodexDeploymentJson(config.CodexDeploymentJson);
if (!Directory.Exists(config.OutputPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(config.OutputPath);
var k8sFactory = new K8sFactory();
var lifecycle = k8sFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.OutputPath, "dataPath", config.CodexDeployment.Metadata.KubeNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), new NullLog(), config.RunnerLocation);
var lifecycle = k8sFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.OutputPath, "dataPath", config.CodexDeployment.Metadata.KubeNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), new NullLog());
foreach (var container in config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
return containers.Select(container =>
var address = container.ClusterExternalAddress;
if (config.RunnerLocation == TestRunnerLocation.InternalToCluster) address = container.ClusterInternalAddress;
if (config.RunnerLocation == RunnerLocation.InternalToCluster) address = container.ClusterInternalAddress;
return new CodexAccess(log, container, timeSet, address);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
public CodexDeployment CodexDeployment { get; set; } = null!;
public TestRunnerLocation RunnerLocation { get; set; } = TestRunnerLocation.InternalToCluster;
public RunnerLocation RunnerLocation { get; set; }
public class ConfigLoader
@ -42,10 +42,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
var result = uniformArgs.Parse(true);
result.CodexDeployment = ParseCodexDeploymentJson(result.CodexDeploymentJson);
if (args.Any(a => a == "--external"))
result.RunnerLocation = TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster;
result.RunnerLocation = RunnerLocationUtils.DetermineRunnerLocation(result.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers.First());
return result;
@ -63,7 +60,6 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
Console.WriteLine("ContinuousTests will run a set of tests against a codex deployment given a codex-deployment.json file." + nl +
"The tests will run in an endless loop unless otherwise specified, using the test-specific timing values." + nl);
Console.WriteLine("ContinuousTests assumes you are running this tool from *inside* the Kubernetes cluster. " +
"If you are not running this from a container inside the cluster, add the argument '--external'." + nl);
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(test.CustomK8sNamespace)) return;
log.Log($"Clearing namespace '{test.CustomK8sNamespace}'...");
var lifecycle = k8SFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, config.DataPath, test.CustomK8sNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), log, config.RunnerLocation);
var lifecycle = k8SFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, config.DataPath, test.CustomK8sNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), log);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
var path = Path.Combine(config.LogPath, "containers");
if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
var lifecycle = k8SFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, config.DataPath, config.CodexDeployment.Metadata.KubeNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), new NullLog(), config.RunnerLocation);
var lifecycle = k8SFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, config.DataPath, config.CodexDeployment.Metadata.KubeNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), new NullLog());
var downloader = new ContinuousLogDownloader(lifecycle, config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers, path, cancelToken);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
public class K8sFactory
public TestLifecycle CreateTestLifecycle(string kubeConfigFile, string logPath, string dataFilePath, string customNamespace, ITimeSet timeSet, BaseLog log, TestRunnerLocation runnerLocation)
public TestLifecycle CreateTestLifecycle(string kubeConfigFile, string logPath, string dataFilePath, string customNamespace, ITimeSet timeSet, BaseLog log)
var kubeConfig = GetKubeConfig(kubeConfigFile);
var lifecycleConfig = new DistTestCore.Configuration
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
logDebug: false,
dataFilesPath: dataFilePath,
codexLogLevel: CodexLogLevel.Debug,
runnerLocation: runnerLocation,
k8sNamespacePrefix: customNamespace
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
private TestLifecycle CreateTestLifecycle()
return k8SFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, config.DataPath, customNamespace, timeSet, log, config.RunnerLocation);
return k8SFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, config.DataPath, customNamespace, timeSet, log);
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
private void DownloadClusterLogs()
var k8sFactory = new K8sFactory();
var lifecycle = k8sFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, "dataPath", config.CodexDeployment.Metadata.KubeNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), new NullLog(), config.RunnerLocation);
var lifecycle = k8sFactory.CreateTestLifecycle(config.KubeConfigFile, config.LogPath, "dataPath", config.CodexDeployment.Metadata.KubeNamespace, new DefaultTimeSet(), new NullLog());
foreach (var container in config.CodexDeployment.CodexContainers)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ namespace ContinuousTests
private DistTestCore.Configuration CreateFileManagerConfiguration()
return new DistTestCore.Configuration(null, string.Empty, false, dataFolder,
CodexLogLevel.Error, config.RunnerLocation, string.Empty);
CodexLogLevel.Error, string.Empty);
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Codex
AddEnvVar("CODEX_BLOCK_TTL", config.BlockTTL.ToString()!);
if (config.MetricsEnabled)
if (config.MetricsMode != Metrics.MetricsMode.None)
AddEnvVar("CODEX_METRICS", "true");
@ -5,17 +5,19 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Codex
public class CodexDeployment
public CodexDeployment(GethStartResult gethStartResult, RunningContainer[] codexContainers, RunningContainer? prometheusContainer, DeploymentMetadata metadata)
public CodexDeployment(GethStartResult gethStartResult, RunningContainer[] codexContainers, RunningContainer? prometheusContainer, GrafanaStartInfo? grafanaStartInfo, DeploymentMetadata metadata)
GethStartResult = gethStartResult;
CodexContainers = codexContainers;
PrometheusContainer = prometheusContainer;
GrafanaStartInfo = grafanaStartInfo;
Metadata = metadata;
public GethStartResult GethStartResult { get; }
public RunningContainer[] CodexContainers { get; }
public RunningContainer? PrometheusContainer { get; }
public GrafanaStartInfo? GrafanaStartInfo { get; }
public DeploymentMetadata Metadata { get; }
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using DistTestCore.Marketplace;
using DistTestCore.Metrics;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
namespace DistTestCore.Codex
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore.Codex
public Location Location { get; set; }
public CodexLogLevel LogLevel { get; }
public ByteSize? StorageQuota { get; set; }
public bool MetricsEnabled { get; set; }
public MetricsMode MetricsMode { get; set; }
public MarketplaceInitialConfig? MarketplaceConfig { get; set; }
public string? BootstrapSpr { get; set; }
public int? BlockTTL { get; set; }
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore
public ICodexSetup EnableMetrics()
MetricsEnabled = true;
MetricsMode = Metrics.MetricsMode.Record;
return this;
@ -68,9 +68,15 @@ namespace DistTestCore
private IMetricsAccessFactory CollectMetrics(CodexSetup codexSetup, RunningContainers[] containers)
if (!codexSetup.MetricsEnabled) return new MetricsUnavailableAccessFactory();
if (codexSetup.MetricsMode == MetricsMode.None) return new MetricsUnavailableAccessFactory();
var runningContainers = lifecycle.PrometheusStarter.CollectMetricsFor(containers);
if (codexSetup.MetricsMode == MetricsMode.Dashboard)
return new CodexNodeMetricsAccessFactory(lifecycle, runningContainers);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using DistTestCore.Codex;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using Utils;
namespace DistTestCore
@ -11,8 +12,8 @@ namespace DistTestCore
private readonly bool logDebug;
private readonly string dataFilesPath;
private readonly CodexLogLevel codexLogLevel;
private readonly TestRunnerLocation runnerLocation;
private readonly string k8sNamespacePrefix;
private RunnerLocation? runnerLocation = null;
public Configuration()
@ -21,18 +22,16 @@ namespace DistTestCore
logDebug = GetEnvVarOrDefault("LOGDEBUG", "false").ToLowerInvariant() == "true";
dataFilesPath = GetEnvVarOrDefault("DATAFILEPATH", "TestDataFiles");
codexLogLevel = ParseEnum.Parse<CodexLogLevel>(GetEnvVarOrDefault("LOGLEVEL", nameof(CodexLogLevel.Trace)));
runnerLocation = ParseEnum.Parse<TestRunnerLocation>(GetEnvVarOrDefault("RUNNERLOCATION", nameof(TestRunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster)));
k8sNamespacePrefix = "ct-";
public Configuration(string? kubeConfigFile, string logPath, bool logDebug, string dataFilesPath, CodexLogLevel codexLogLevel, TestRunnerLocation runnerLocation, string k8sNamespacePrefix)
public Configuration(string? kubeConfigFile, string logPath, bool logDebug, string dataFilesPath, CodexLogLevel codexLogLevel, string k8sNamespacePrefix)
this.kubeConfigFile = kubeConfigFile;
this.logPath = logPath;
this.logDebug = logDebug;
this.dataFilesPath = dataFilesPath;
this.codexLogLevel = codexLogLevel;
this.runnerLocation = runnerLocation;
this.k8sNamespacePrefix = k8sNamespacePrefix;
@ -61,14 +60,14 @@ namespace DistTestCore
return codexLogLevel;
public TestRunnerLocation GetTestRunnerLocation()
return runnerLocation;
public Address GetAddress(RunningContainer container)
if (GetTestRunnerLocation() == TestRunnerLocation.InternalToCluster)
if (runnerLocation == null)
runnerLocation = RunnerLocationUtils.DetermineRunnerLocation(container);
if (runnerLocation == RunnerLocation.InternalToCluster)
return container.ClusterInternalAddress;
@ -90,9 +89,56 @@ namespace DistTestCore
public enum TestRunnerLocation
public enum RunnerLocation
public static class RunnerLocationUtils
private static bool alreadyDidThat = false;
public static RunnerLocation DetermineRunnerLocation(RunningContainer container)
// We want to be sure we don't ping more often than strictly necessary.
// If we have already determined the location during this application
// lifetime, don't do it again.
if (alreadyDidThat) throw new Exception("We already did that.");
alreadyDidThat = true;
if (PingHost(container.Pod.PodInfo.Ip))
return RunnerLocation.InternalToCluster;
if (PingHost(Format(container.ClusterExternalAddress)))
return RunnerLocation.ExternalToCluster;
throw new Exception("Unable to determine runner location.");
private static string Format(Address host)
return host.Host
.Replace("http://", "")
.Replace("https://", "");
private static bool PingHost(string host)
using var pinger = new Ping();
PingReply reply = pinger.Send(host);
return reply.Status == IPStatus.Success;
catch (PingException)
return false;
@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(IsArm64)'=='true'">
<None Remove="Metrics\dashboard.json" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="Metrics\dashboard.json">
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.3" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
using DistTestCore.Metrics;
using IdentityModel.Client;
using KubernetesWorkflow;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Reflection;
namespace DistTestCore
public class GrafanaStarter : BaseStarter
public GrafanaStarter(TestLifecycle lifecycle)
: base(lifecycle)
public GrafanaStartInfo StartDashboard(RunningContainer prometheusContainer)
LogStart($"Starting dashboard server");
var grafanaContainer = StartGrafanaContainer();
var grafanaAddress = lifecycle.Configuration.GetAddress(grafanaContainer);
var http = new Http(lifecycle.Log, new DefaultTimeSet(), grafanaAddress, "api/", AddBasicAuth);
Log("Connecting datasource...");
AddDataSource(http, prometheusContainer);
Log("Uploading dashboard configurations...");
var jsons = ReadEachDashboardJsonFile();
var dashboardUrls = jsons.Select(j => UploadDashboard(http, grafanaContainer, j)).ToArray();
LogEnd("Dashboard server started.");
return new GrafanaStartInfo(dashboardUrls, grafanaContainer);
private RunningContainer StartGrafanaContainer()
var startupConfig = new StartupConfig();
var workflow = lifecycle.WorkflowCreator.CreateWorkflow();
var grafanaContainers = workflow.Start(1, Location.Unspecified, new GrafanaContainerRecipe(), startupConfig);
if (grafanaContainers.Containers.Length != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected 1 dashboard container to be created.");
return grafanaContainers.Containers.First();
private void AddBasicAuth(HttpClient client)
private static void AddDataSource(Http http, RunningContainer prometheusContainer)
var prometheusAddress = prometheusContainer.ClusterExternalAddress;
var prometheusUrl = prometheusAddress.Host + ":" + prometheusAddress.Port;
var response = http.HttpPostJson<GrafanaDataSourceRequest, GrafanaDataSourceResponse>("datasources", new GrafanaDataSourceRequest
uid = "c89eaad3-9184-429f-ac94-8ba0b1824dbb",
name = "CodexPrometheus",
type = "prometheus",
url = prometheusUrl,
access = "proxy",
basicAuth = false,
jsonData = new GrafanaDataSourceJsonData
httpMethod = "POST"
if (response.message != "Datasource added")
throw new Exception("Test infra failure: Failed to add datasource to dashboard: " + response.message);
public static string UploadDashboard(Http http, RunningContainer grafanaContainer, string dashboardJson)
var request = GetDashboardCreateRequest(dashboardJson);
var response = http.HttpPostString("dashboards/db", request);
var jsonResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GrafanaPostDashboardResponse>(response);
if (jsonResponse == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonResponse.url)) throw new Exception("Failed to upload dashboard.");
var grafanaAddress = grafanaContainer.ClusterExternalAddress;
return grafanaAddress.Host + ":" + grafanaAddress.Port + jsonResponse.url;
private static string[] ReadEachDashboardJsonFile()
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var resourceNames = new[]
return resourceNames.Select(r => GetManifestResource(assembly, r)).ToArray();
private static string GetManifestResource(Assembly assembly, string resourceName)
using var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
if (stream == null) throw new Exception("Unable to find resource " + resourceName);
using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
return reader.ReadToEnd();
private static string GetDashboardCreateRequest(string dashboardJson)
return $"{{\"dashboard\": {dashboardJson} ,\"message\": \"Default Codex Dashboard\",\"overwrite\": false}}";
public class GrafanaStartInfo
public GrafanaStartInfo(string[] dashboardUrls, RunningContainer container)
DashboardUrls = dashboardUrls;
Container = container;
public string[] DashboardUrls { get; }
public RunningContainer Container { get; }
public class GrafanaDataSourceRequest
public string uid { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string type { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string url { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string access { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public bool basicAuth { get; set; }
public GrafanaDataSourceJsonData jsonData { get; set; } = new();
public class GrafanaDataSourceResponse
public int id { get; set; }
public string message { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public class GrafanaDataSourceJsonData
public string httpMethod { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public class GrafanaPostDashboardResponse
public int id { get; set; }
public string slug { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string status { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string uid { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string url { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public int version { get; set; }
@ -12,14 +12,21 @@ namespace DistTestCore
private readonly ITimeSet timeSet;
private readonly Address address;
private readonly string baseUrl;
private readonly Action<HttpClient> onClientCreated;
private readonly string? logAlias;
public Http(BaseLog log, ITimeSet timeSet, Address address, string baseUrl, string? logAlias = null)
: this(log, timeSet, address, baseUrl, DoNothing, logAlias)
public Http(BaseLog log, ITimeSet timeSet, Address address, string baseUrl, Action<HttpClient> onClientCreated, string? logAlias = null)
this.log = log;
this.timeSet = timeSet;
this.address = address;
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.onClientCreated = onClientCreated;
this.logAlias = logAlias;
if (!this.baseUrl.StartsWith("/")) this.baseUrl = "/" + this.baseUrl;
if (!this.baseUrl.EndsWith("/")) this.baseUrl += "/";
@ -66,6 +73,22 @@ namespace DistTestCore
}, $"HTTP-POST-JSON: {route}");
public string HttpPostString(string route, string body)
return Retry(() =>
using var client = GetClient();
var url = GetUrl() + route;
Log(url, body);
var content = new StringContent(body);
content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("application/json");
var result = Time.Wait(client.PostAsync(url, content));
var str = Time.Wait(result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
Log(url, str);
return str;
}, $"HTTP-POST-STRING: {route}");
public string HttpPostStream(string route, Stream stream)
return Retry(() =>
@ -139,7 +162,12 @@ namespace DistTestCore
var client = new HttpClient();
client.Timeout = timeSet.HttpCallTimeout();
return client;
private static void DoNothing(HttpClient client)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
using KubernetesWorkflow;
namespace DistTestCore.Metrics
public class GrafanaContainerRecipe : ContainerRecipeFactory
public override string AppName => "grafana";
public override string Image => "grafana/grafana-oss:10.0.3";
public const string DefaultAdminUser = "adminium";
public const string DefaultAdminPassword = "passwordium";
protected override void Initialize(StartupConfig startupConfig)
AddEnvVar("GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER", DefaultAdminUser);
AddEnvVar("GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD", DefaultAdminPassword);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
namespace DistTestCore.Metrics
public enum MetricsMode
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ namespace DistTestCore
var runningContainers = workflow.Start(1, Location.Unspecified, new PrometheusContainerRecipe(), startupConfig);
if (runningContainers.Containers.Length != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected only 1 Prometheus container to be created.");
LogEnd("Metrics server started.");
return runningContainers;
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore
FileManager = new FileManager(Log, configuration);
CodexStarter = new CodexStarter(this);
PrometheusStarter = new PrometheusStarter(this);
GrafanaStarter = new GrafanaStarter(this);
GethStarter = new GethStarter(this);
testStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
CodexVersion = null;
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ namespace DistTestCore
public FileManager FileManager { get; }
public CodexStarter CodexStarter { get; }
public PrometheusStarter PrometheusStarter { get; }
public GrafanaStarter GrafanaStarter { get; }
public GethStarter GethStarter { get; }
public CodexDebugVersionResponse? CodexVersion { get; private set; }
@ -76,7 +78,8 @@ namespace DistTestCore
codexId: GetCodexId(),
gethId: new GethContainerRecipe().Image,
prometheusId: new PrometheusContainerRecipe().Image,
codexContractsId: new CodexContractsContainerRecipe().Image
codexContractsId: new CodexContractsContainerRecipe().Image,
grafanaId: new GrafanaContainerRecipe().Image
@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
return p;
protected Port AddExposedPort(int number, string tag = "")
var p = factory.CreatePort(number, tag);
return p;
protected Port AddInternalPort(string tag = "")
var p = factory.CreatePort(tag);
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace KubernetesWorkflow
Add("gethid", applicationIds.GethId);
Add("prometheusid", applicationIds.PrometheusId);
Add("codexcontractsid", applicationIds.CodexContractsId);
Add("grafanaid", applicationIds.GrafanaId);
public PodLabels GetLabelsForAppName(string appName)
@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ namespace KubernetesWorkflow
private NumberSource portNumberSource = new NumberSource(8080);
public Port CreatePort(int number, string tag)
return new Port(number, tag);
public Port CreatePort(string tag)
return new Port(portNumberSource.GetNextNumber(), tag);
@ -2,17 +2,19 @@
public class ApplicationIds
public ApplicationIds(string codexId, string gethId, string prometheusId, string codexContractsId)
public ApplicationIds(string codexId, string gethId, string prometheusId, string codexContractsId, string grafanaId)
CodexId = codexId;
GethId = gethId;
PrometheusId = prometheusId;
CodexContractsId = codexContractsId;
GrafanaId = grafanaId;
public string CodexId { get; }
public string GethId { get; }
public string PrometheusId { get; }
public string CodexContractsId { get; }
public string GrafanaId { get; }
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ namespace Logging
gethid = applicationIds.GethId,
prometheusid = applicationIds.PrometheusId,
codexcontractsid = applicationIds.CodexContractsId,
grafanaid = applicationIds.GrafanaId,
category = NameUtils.GetCategoryName(),
fixturename = fixtureName,
testname = NameUtils.GetTestMethodName(),
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ namespace Logging
public string gethid { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string prometheusid { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string codexcontractsid { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string grafanaid { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string category { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string fixturename { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string testname { get; set; } = string.Empty;
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