# Constantine
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019    Status Research & Development GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2020-Present Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy
# Licensed and distributed under either of
#   * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
#   * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

  std/[macros, times, monotimes],

# ############################################################
#                     Trace operations
# ############################################################

# Utils
# --------------------------------------------------
const someGcc = defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc) or defined(clang) or defined(icc)
const hasThreadSupport = defined(threads)

proc atomicInc*(memLoc: var int64, x = 1'i64): int64 =
  when someGcc and hasThreadSupport:
    result = atomicAddFetch(memLoc.addr, x, ATOMIC_RELAXED)
  elif defined(vcc) and hasThreadSupport:
    result = addAndFetch(memLoc.addr, x)
    result += x
    memloc += x
    result = memLoc

# Types
# --------------------------------------------------

  Metadata* = object
    procName*: string
    module: string
    package: string
    tag: string # Can be change to multi-tags later
    numCalls*: int64
    cumulatedTimeNs*: int64 # in microseconds
    when SupportsGetTicks:
      cumulatedCycles*: int64

template mtag(tagname: string){.pragma, used.}
  ## This will allow tagging proc in the future with
  ## "Fp", "ec", "polynomial"

const CttMeter {.booldefine.} = off
const CttTrace {.booldefine.} = off # For manual "debug-echo"-style timing.

var ctMetrics{.compileTime.}: seq[Metadata]
  ## Metrics are collected here, this is just a temporary holder of compileTime values
  ## Unfortunately the "seq" is emptied when passing the compileTime/runtime boundaries
  ## due to Nim bugs

when CttTrace:
  # strformat doesn't work in templates.
  from strutils import alignLeft, formatFloat

  var Metrics*: seq[Metadata]
    ## We can't directly use it at compileTime because it doesn't exist.
    ## We need `Metrics = static(ctMetrics)`
    ## To transfer the compileTime content to runtime at an opportune time.

  proc resetMetering*() =
    Metrics = static(ctMetrics)

# Symbols
# --------------------------------------------------

template fnEntry(name: string, id: int, startTime, startCycle: untyped): untyped =
  ## Bench tracing to insert on function entry
  {.noSideEffect, gcsafe.}:
    discard Metrics[id].numCalls.atomicInc()
    let startTime = getMonoTime()
    when SupportsGetTicks:
      let startCycle = getTicks()
      let startCycle = 0

template fnExit(name: string, id: int, startTime, startCycle: untyped): untyped =
  ## Bench tracing to insert before each function exit
  {.noSideEffect, gcsafe.}:
    when SupportsGetTicks:
      let stopCycle = getTicks()
    let stopTime = getMonoTime()
    when SupportsGetTicks:
      let elapsedCycles = stopCycle - startCycle
    let elapsedTime = inMicroseconds(stopTime - startTime)

    discard Metrics[id].cumulatedTimeNs.atomicInc(elapsedTime)
    when SupportsGetTicks:
      discard Metrics[id].cumulatedCycles.atomicInc(elapsedCycles)

    when CttTrace:
      # Advice: Use "when name == relevantProc" to isolate specific procedures.
      # strformat doesn't work in templates.
      when SupportsGetTicks:
        echo static(alignLeft(name, 50)),
            "Time (µs): ", alignLeft(formatFloat(elapsedTime.float64 * 1e-3, precision=3), 10),
            "Cycles (billions): ", formatFloat(elapsedCycles.float64 * 1e-9, precision=3)
        echo static(alignLeft(name, 50)),
            "Time (µs): ", alignLeft(formatFloat(elapsedTime.float64 * 1e-3, precision=3), 10)

macro meterAnnotate(procAst: untyped): untyped =
  procAst.expectKind({nnkProcDef, nnkFuncDef})

  let id = ctMetrics.len
  let name = procAst[0].repr
  # TODO, get the module and the package the proc is coming from
  #       and the tag "Fp", "ec", "polynomial" ...

  ctMetrics.add Metadata(procName: name)
  var newBody = newStmtList()
  let startTime = genSym(nskLet, "metering_" & name & "_startTime_")
  let startCycle = genSym(nskLet, "metering_" & name & "_startCycles_")
  newBody.add getAst(fnEntry(name, id, startTime, startCycle))
  newbody.add nnkDefer.newTree(getAst(fnExit(name, id, startTime, startCycle)))
  newBody.add procAst.body

  procAst.body = newBody
  result = procAst

template meter*(procBody: untyped): untyped =
  when CttMeter or CttTrace:

# Sanity checks
# ---------------------------------------------------

when isMainModule:

  static: doAssert CttMeter or CttTrace, "CttMeter or CttTrace must be on for tracing"

    proc foo(x: int): int{.meter.} =
      echo "Hey hey hey"
      result = x


  echo Metrics
  discard foo(10)
  echo Metrics
  doAssert Metrics[0].numCalls == 1