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synced 2025-03-04 04:10:40 +00:00
add octet string encode/decode (bigEndian raw int)
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,12 +29,13 @@ func fromRawUintLE(
src: openarray[byte]) =
## Parse an unsigned integer from its canonical
## little-endian unsigned representation
## And store it into a BigInt of size bits
## and store it into a BigInt
## Constant-Time:
## - no leaks
## Can work at compile-time
# TODO: error on destination to small
dst_idx = 0
@ -58,10 +59,47 @@ func fromRawUintLE(
if dst_idx < dst.limbs.len:
dst.limbs[dst_idx] = acc
func fromRawUintBE(
dst: var BigInt,
src: openarray[byte]) =
## Parse an unsigned integer from its canonical
## big-endian unsigned representation (octet string)
## and store it into a BigInt.
## In cryptography specifications, this is often called
## "Octet string to Integer"
## Constant-Time:
## - no leaks
## Can work at compile-time
dst_idx = 0
acc = Zero
acc_len = 0
for src_idx in countdown(src.len-1, 0):
let src_byte = Word(src[src_idx])
# buffer reads
acc = acc or (src_byte shl acc_len)
acc_len += 8 # We count bit by bit
# if full, dump
if acc_len >= WordBitSize:
dst.limbs[dst_idx] = acc and MaxWord
inc dst_idx
acc_len -= WordBitSize
acc = src_byte shr (8 - acc_len)
if dst_idx < dst.limbs.len:
dst.limbs[dst_idx] = acc
func fromRawUint*(
dst: var BigInt,
src: openarray[byte],
srcEndianness: static Endianness) {.inline.}=
srcEndianness: static Endianness) =
## Parse an unsigned integer from its canonical
## big-endian or little-endian unsigned representation
## And store it into a BigInt of size `bits`
@ -75,7 +113,7 @@ func fromRawUint*(
when srcEndianness == littleEndian:
{.error: "Not implemented at the moment".}
func fromRawUint*(
@ -95,14 +133,14 @@ func fromRawUint*(
func fromUint*(
T: type BigInt,
src: SomeUnsignedInt): T =
src: SomeUnsignedInt): T {.inline.}=
## Parse a regular unsigned integer
## and store it into a BigInt of size `bits`
result.fromRawUint(cast[array[sizeof(src), byte]](src), cpuEndian)
func fromUint*(
dst: var BigInt,
src: SomeUnsignedInt) =
src: SomeUnsignedInt) {.inline.}=
## Parse a regular unsigned integer
## and store it into a BigInt of size `bits`
dst.fromRawUint(cast[array[sizeof(src), byte]](src), cpuEndian)
@ -131,9 +169,9 @@ template littleEndianXX[T: uint16 or uint32 or uint64](outp: pointer, inp: ptr T
func serializeRawUintLE(
dst: var openarray[byte],
src: BigInt) {.inline.}=
src: BigInt) =
## Serialize a bigint into its canonical little-endian representation
## I.e least significant bit is aligned to buffer boundary
## I.e least significant bit first
src_idx, dst_idx = 0
@ -175,6 +213,57 @@ func serializeRawUintLE(
dst[dst_idx+i] = byte(lo shr ((tail-i)*8))
func serializeRawUintBE(
dst: var openarray[byte],
src: BigInt) =
## Serialize a bigint into its canonical big-endian representation
## (octet string)
## I.e most significant bit first
## In cryptography specifications, this is often called
## "Octet string to Integer"
src_idx = 0
dst_idx = dst.len - 1
acc: BaseType = 0
acc_len = 0
var tail = dst.len
while tail > 0:
let w = if src_idx < src.limbs.len: BaseType(src.limbs[src_idx])
else: 0
inc src_idx
if acc_len == 0:
# Edge case, we need to refill the buffer to output 64-bit
# as we can only read 63-bit per word
acc = w
acc_len = WordBitSize
let lo = (w shl acc_len) or acc
dec acc_len
acc = w shr (WordBitSize - acc_len)
if tail >= sizeof(Word):
# Unrolled copy
littleEndianXX(dst[dst_idx].addr, lo.unsafeAddr)
dst_idx -= sizeof(Word)
tail -= sizeof(Word)
# Process the tail and exit
when cpuEndian == littleEndian:
# When requesting little-endian on little-endian platform
# we can just copy each byte
# tail is inclusive
for i in 0 ..< tail:
dst[dst_idx-i] = byte(lo shr (i*8))
else: # TODO check this
# We need to copy from the end
for i in 0 ..< tail:
dst[dst_idx-i] = byte(lo shr ((tail-i)*8))
func serializeRawUint*(
dst: var openarray[byte],
src: BigInt,
@ -196,7 +285,7 @@ func serializeRawUint*(
when dstEndianness == littleEndian:
serializeRawUintLE(dst, src)
{.error: "Not implemented at the moment".}
serializeRawUintBE(dst, src)
# ############################################################
@ -293,9 +382,10 @@ func hexToPaddedByteArray(hexStr: string, output: var openArray[byte], order: st
shift = (shift + 4) and 4
dstIdx += shift shr 2
func toHex(bytes: openarray[byte], order: static[Endianness]): string =
func nativeEndianToHex(bytes: openarray[byte], order: static[Endianness]): string =
## Convert a byte-array to its hex representation
## Output is in lowercase and not prefixed.
## This assumes that input is in platform native endianness
const hexChars = "0123456789abcdef"
result = newString(2 + 2 * bytes.len)
result[0] = '0'
@ -330,10 +420,10 @@ func fromHex*(T: type BigInt, s: string): T =
# 1. Convert to canonical uint
const canonLen = (T.bits + 8 - 1) div 8
var bytes: array[canonLen, byte]
hexToPaddedByteArray(s, bytes, littleEndian)
hexToPaddedByteArray(s, bytes, bigEndian)
# 2. Convert canonical uint to Big Int
result.fromRawUint(bytes, littleEndian)
result.fromRawUint(bytes, bigEndian)
func toHex*(big: BigInt, order: static Endianness = bigEndian): string =
## Stringify an int to hex.
@ -351,4 +441,4 @@ func toHex*(big: BigInt, order: static Endianness = bigEndian): string =
serializeRawUint(bytes, big, cpuEndian)
# 2 Convert canonical uint to hex
result = bytes.toHex(order)
result = bytes.nativeEndianToHex(order)
@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ proc main() =
check: x_bytes == r_bytes
test "Round trip on elliptic curve constants":
block: # Secp256r1 - NIST P-256
const p = "0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff"
let x = BigInt[256].fromHex(p)
let hex = x.toHex(bigEndian)
check: p == hex
block: # Secp256k1 - https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Secp256k1
const p = "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f"
let x = BigInt[256].fromHex(p)
Reference in New Issue
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