2023-09-15 08:21:04 +02:00
# Constantine
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Copyright (c) 2020-Present Mamy André-Ratsimbazafy
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
# Standard library
std/[os, strutils, streams, unittest],
# 3rd party
# Internals
2023-09-17 11:05:09 +02:00
2023-09-15 08:21:04 +02:00
2023-10-06 07:58:20 +00:00
2023-09-15 08:21:04 +02:00
# Organization
# We choose not to use a type schema here, unlike with the other json-based tests
# like:
# - t_ethereum_bls_signatures
# - t_ethereum_evem_precompiles
# They'll add a lot of verbosity due to all the KZG types
# and failure modes (subgroups, ...)
# https://nimyaml.org/serialization.html
TestVectorsDir =
currentSourcePath.rsplit(DirSep, 1)[0] / "protocol_ethereum_eip4844_deneb_kzg"
const SkippedTests = [
iterator walkTests*(testDir: string, skipped: var int): (string, string) =
for file in walkDirRec(testDir, relative = true):
if file in SkippedTests:
echo "[WARNING] Skipping - ", file
inc skipped
yield (testDir, file)
proc loadVectors(filename: string): YamlNode =
var s = filename.openFileStream()
defer: s.close()
load(s, result)
template testGen*(name, testData: untyped, body: untyped): untyped {.dirty.} =
## Generates a test proc
## with identifier "test_name"
## The test vector data is available as JsonNode under the
## the variable passed as `testData`
proc `test _ name`(ctx: ptr EthereumKZGContext) =
var count = 0 # Need to fail if walkDir doesn't return anything
var skipped = 0
const testdir = TestVectorsDir / astToStr(name)/"small"
for dir, file in walkTests(testdir, skipped):
stdout.write(" " & alignLeft(astToStr(name) & " test:", 36) & alignLeft(file, 90))
let testData = loadVectors(dir/file)
inc count
doAssert count > 0, "Empty or inexisting test folder: " & astToStr(name)
if skipped > 0:
echo "[Warning]: ", skipped, " tests skipped."
template parseAssign(dstVariable: untyped, size: static int, hexInput: string) =
let prefixBytes = 2*int(hexInput.startsWith("0x"))
let expectedLength = size*2 + prefixBytes
if hexInput.len != expectedLength:
let encodedBytes = (hexInput.len - prefixBytes) div 2
stdout.write "[ Incorrect input length for '" &
astToStr(dstVariable) &
"': encoding " & $encodedBytes & " bytes" &
" instead of expected " & $size & " ]\n"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
# We're in a template, this shortcuts the caller `walkTests`
var dstVariable{.inject.} = new(array[size, byte])
2023-09-17 11:05:09 +02:00
template parseAssignList(dstVariable: untyped, elemSize: static int, hexListInput: YamlNode) =
var dstVariable{.inject.} = newSeq[array[elemSize, byte]]()
block exitHappyPath:
block exitException:
for elem in hexListInput:
let hexInput = elem.content
let prefixBytes = 2*int(hexInput.startsWith("0x"))
let expectedLength = elemSize*2 + prefixBytes
if hexInput.len != expectedLength:
let encodedBytes = (hexInput.len - prefixBytes) div 2
stdout.write "[ Incorrect input length for '" &
astToStr(dstVariable) &
"': encoding " & $encodedBytes & " bytes" &
" instead of expected " & $elemSize & " ]\n"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
break exitException
dstVariable.setLen(dstVariable.len + 1)
break exitHappyPath
# We're in a template, this shortcuts the caller `walkTests`
2023-09-15 08:21:04 +02:00
testGen(blob_to_kzg_commitment, testVector):
parseAssign(blob, 32*4096, testVector["input"]["blob"].content)
var commitment: array[48, byte]
let status = blob_to_kzg_commitment(ctx, commitment, blob[].addr)
stdout.write "[" & $status & "]\n"
if status == cttEthKZG_Success:
parseAssign(expectedCommit, 48, testVector["output"].content)
doAssert bool(commitment == expectedCommit[]), block:
"\ncommitment: " & commitment.toHex() &
"\nexpected: " & expectedCommit[].toHex() & "\n"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
testGen(compute_kzg_proof, testVector):
parseAssign(blob, 32*4096, testVector["input"]["blob"].content)
parseAssign(z, 32, testVector["input"]["z"].content)
var proof: array[48, byte]
var y: array[32, byte]
let status = compute_kzg_proof(ctx, proof, y, blob[].addr, z[])
stdout.write "[" & $status & "]\n"
if status == cttEthKZG_Success:
parseAssign(expectedEvalAtChallenge, 32, testVector["output"][1].content)
parseAssign(expectedProof, 48, testVector["output"][0].content)
doAssert bool(y == expectedEvalAtChallenge[]), block:
"\ny (= p(z)): " & y.toHex() &
"\nexpected: " & expectedEvalAtChallenge[].toHex() & "\n"
doAssert bool(proof == expectedProof[]), block:
"\nproof: " & proof.toHex() &
"\nexpected: " & expectedProof[].toHex() & "\n"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
testGen(verify_kzg_proof, testVector):
parseAssign(commitment, 48, testVector["input"]["commitment"].content)
parseAssign(z, 32, testVector["input"]["z"].content)
parseAssign(y, 32, testVector["input"]["y"].content)
parseAssign(proof, 48, testVector["input"]["proof"].content)
let status = verify_kzg_proof(ctx, commitment[], z[], y[], proof[])
stdout.write "[" & $status & "]\n"
if status == cttEthKZG_Success:
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "true"
elif status == cttEthKZG_VerificationFailure:
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "false"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
testGen(compute_blob_kzg_proof, testVector):
parseAssign(blob, 32*4096, testVector["input"]["blob"].content)
parseAssign(commitment, 48, testVector["input"]["commitment"].content)
var proof: array[48, byte]
let status = compute_blob_kzg_proof(ctx, proof, blob[].addr, commitment[])
stdout.write "[" & $status & "]\n"
if status == cttEthKZG_Success:
parseAssign(expectedProof, 48, testVector["output"].content)
doAssert bool(proof == expectedProof[]), block:
"\nproof: " & proof.toHex() &
"\nexpected: " & expectedProof[].toHex() & "\n"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
testGen(verify_blob_kzg_proof, testVector):
parseAssign(blob, 32*4096, testVector["input"]["blob"].content)
parseAssign(commitment, 48, testVector["input"]["commitment"].content)
parseAssign(proof, 48, testVector["input"]["proof"].content)
let status = verify_blob_kzg_proof(ctx, blob[].addr, commitment[], proof[])
stdout.write "[" & $status & "]\n"
if status == cttEthKZG_Success:
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "true"
elif status == cttEthKZG_VerificationFailure:
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "false"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
2023-09-17 11:05:09 +02:00
testGen(verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch, testVector):
parseAssignList(blobs, 32*4096, testVector["input"]["blobs"])
parseAssignList(commitments, 48, testVector["input"]["commitments"])
parseAssignList(proofs, 48, testVector["input"]["proofs"])
if blobs.len != commitments.len:
stdout.write "[ Length mismatch between blobs and commitments ]\n"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
if blobs.len != proofs.len:
stdout.write "[ Length mismatch between blobs and proofs ]\n"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
# For reproducibility/debugging we don't use the CSPRNG here
var randomBlinding {.noInit.}: array[32, byte]
sha256.hash(randomBlinding, "The wizard quickly jinxed the gnomes before they vaporized.")
template asUnchecked[T](a: openArray[T]): ptr UncheckedArray[T] =
if a.len > 0:
cast[ptr UncheckedArray[T]](a[0].unsafeAddr)
let status = verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch(
stdout.write "[" & $status & "]\n"
if status == cttEthKZG_Success:
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "true"
elif status == cttEthKZG_VerificationFailure:
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "false"
doAssert testVector["output"].content == "null"
2023-09-15 08:21:04 +02:00
suite "Ethereum Deneb Hardfork / EIP-4844 / Proto-Danksharding / KZG Polynomial Commitments":
let ctx = load_ethereum_kzg_test_trusted_setup_mainnet()
test "blob_to_kzg_commitment(dst: var array[48, byte], blob: ptr array[4096, byte])":
test "compute_kzg_proof(proof: var array[48, byte], y: var array[32, byte], blob: ptr array[4096, byte], z: array[32, byte])":
test "verify_kzg_proof(commitment: array[48, byte], z, y: array[32, byte], proof: array[48, byte]) -> bool":
test "compute_blob_kzg_proof(proof: var array[48, byte], blob: ptr array[4096, byte], commitment: array[48, byte])":
2023-09-17 11:05:09 +02:00
test "verify_blob_kzg_proof(blob: ptr array[4096, byte], commitment, proof: array[48, byte])":
2023-09-15 08:21:04 +02:00
2023-09-17 11:05:09 +02:00
test "verify_blob_kzg_proof_batch(blobs: ptr UncheckedArray[array[4096, byte]], commitments, proofs: ptr UncheckedArray[array[48, byte]], n: int, secureRandomBytes: array[32, byte])":
2023-09-15 08:21:04 +02:00