mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 18:08:19 +00:00
2535 lines
83 KiB
2535 lines
83 KiB
var $jscomp = $jscomp || {}
$jscomp.scope = {}
$jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl = function (m) {
var p = 0
return function () {
return p < m.length ? { done: !1, value: m[p++] } : { done: !0 }
$jscomp.arrayIterator = function (m) {
return { next: $jscomp.arrayIteratorImpl(m) }
$jscomp.makeIterator = function (m) {
var p = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && m[Symbol.iterator]
return p ? p.call(m) : $jscomp.arrayIterator(m)
$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5 = !1
$jscomp.getGlobal = function (m) {
m = [
'object' == typeof globalThis && globalThis,
'object' == typeof window && window,
'object' == typeof self && self,
'object' == typeof global && global,
for (var p = 0; p < m.length; ++p) {
var l = m[p]
if (l && l.Math == Math) return l
throw Error('Cannot find global object')
$jscomp.global = $jscomp.getGlobal(this)
$jscomp.defineProperty =
$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5 || 'function' == typeof Object.defineProperties
? Object.defineProperty
: function (m, p, l) {
if (m == Array.prototype || m == Object.prototype) return m
m[p] = l.value
return m
'function' === typeof Symbol && 'symbol' === typeof Symbol('x')
$jscomp.polyfills = {}
$jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol = {}
$jscomp.POLYFILL_PREFIX = '$jscp$'
var $jscomp$lookupPolyfilledValue = function (m, p) {
var l = $jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol[p]
if (null == l) return m[p]
l = m[l]
return void 0 !== l ? l : m[p]
$jscomp.polyfill = function (m, p, l, q) {
p &&
? $jscomp.polyfillIsolated(m, p, l, q)
: $jscomp.polyfillUnisolated(m, p, l, q))
$jscomp.polyfillUnisolated = function (m, p, l, q) {
l = $jscomp.global
m = m.split('.')
for (q = 0; q < m.length - 1; q++) {
var k = m[q]
if (!(k in l)) return
l = l[k]
m = m[m.length - 1]
q = l[m]
p = p(q)
p != q &&
null != p &&
$jscomp.defineProperty(l, m, { configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: p })
$jscomp.polyfillIsolated = function (m, p, l, q) {
var k = m.split('.')
m = 1 === k.length
q = k[0]
q = !m && q in $jscomp.polyfills ? $jscomp.polyfills : $jscomp.global
for (var A = 0; A < k.length - 1; A++) {
var g = k[A]
if (!(g in q)) return
q = q[g]
k = k[k.length - 1]
l = $jscomp.IS_SYMBOL_NATIVE && 'es6' === l ? q[k] : null
p = p(l)
null != p &&
? $jscomp.defineProperty($jscomp.polyfills, k, {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: p,
: p !== l &&
(void 0 === $jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol[k] &&
((l = (1e9 * Math.random()) >>> 0),
($jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol[k] = $jscomp.IS_SYMBOL_NATIVE
? $jscomp.global.Symbol(k)
: $jscomp.POLYFILL_PREFIX + l + '$' + k)),
$jscomp.defineProperty(q, $jscomp.propertyToPolyfillSymbol[k], {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: p,
function (m) {
function p() {
this.batch_ = null
function l(g) {
return g instanceof k
? g
: new k(function (n, u) {
if (
m &&
'undefined' === typeof $jscomp.global.PromiseRejectionEvent)
) ||
!$jscomp.global.Promise ||
-1 === $jscomp.global.Promise.toString().indexOf('[native code]'))
return m
p.prototype.asyncExecute = function (g) {
if (null == this.batch_) {
this.batch_ = []
var n = this
this.asyncExecuteFunction(function () {
var q = $jscomp.global.setTimeout
p.prototype.asyncExecuteFunction = function (g) {
q(g, 0)
p.prototype.executeBatch_ = function () {
for (; this.batch_ && this.batch_.length; ) {
var g = this.batch_
this.batch_ = []
for (var n = 0; n < g.length; ++n) {
var u = g[n]
g[n] = null
try {
} catch (z) {
this.batch_ = null
p.prototype.asyncThrow_ = function (g) {
this.asyncExecuteFunction(function () {
throw g
var k = function (g) {
this.state_ = 0
this.result_ = void 0
this.onSettledCallbacks_ = []
this.isRejectionHandled_ = !1
var n = this.createResolveAndReject_()
try {
g(n.resolve, n.reject)
} catch (u) {
k.prototype.createResolveAndReject_ = function () {
function g(z) {
return function (P) {
u || ((u = !0), z.call(n, P))
var n = this,
u = !1
return { resolve: g(this.resolveTo_), reject: g(this.reject_) }
k.prototype.resolveTo_ = function (g) {
if (g === this)
this.reject_(new TypeError('A Promise cannot resolve to itself'))
else if (g instanceof k) this.settleSameAsPromise_(g)
else {
a: switch (typeof g) {
case 'object':
var n = null != g
break a
case 'function':
n = !0
break a
n = !1
n ? this.resolveToNonPromiseObj_(g) : this.fulfill_(g)
k.prototype.resolveToNonPromiseObj_ = function (g) {
var n = void 0
try {
n = g.then
} catch (u) {
'function' == typeof n
? this.settleSameAsThenable_(n, g)
: this.fulfill_(g)
k.prototype.reject_ = function (g) {
this.settle_(2, g)
k.prototype.fulfill_ = function (g) {
this.settle_(1, g)
k.prototype.settle_ = function (g, n) {
if (0 != this.state_)
throw Error(
'Cannot settle(' +
g +
', ' +
n +
'): Promise already settled in state' +
this.state_ = g
this.result_ = n
2 === this.state_ && this.scheduleUnhandledRejectionCheck_()
k.prototype.scheduleUnhandledRejectionCheck_ = function () {
var g = this
q(function () {
if (g.notifyUnhandledRejection_()) {
var n = $jscomp.global.console
'undefined' !== typeof n && n.error(g.result_)
}, 1)
k.prototype.notifyUnhandledRejection_ = function () {
if (this.isRejectionHandled_) return !1
var g = $jscomp.global.CustomEvent,
n = $jscomp.global.Event,
u = $jscomp.global.dispatchEvent
if ('undefined' === typeof u) return !0
'function' === typeof g
? (g = new g('unhandledrejection', { cancelable: !0 }))
: 'function' === typeof n
? (g = new n('unhandledrejection', { cancelable: !0 }))
: ((g = $jscomp.global.document.createEvent('CustomEvent')),
g.initCustomEvent('unhandledrejection', !1, !0, g))
g.promise = this
g.reason = this.result_
return u(g)
k.prototype.executeOnSettledCallbacks_ = function () {
if (null != this.onSettledCallbacks_) {
for (var g = 0; g < this.onSettledCallbacks_.length; ++g)
this.onSettledCallbacks_ = null
var A = new p()
k.prototype.settleSameAsPromise_ = function (g) {
var n = this.createResolveAndReject_()
g.callWhenSettled_(n.resolve, n.reject)
k.prototype.settleSameAsThenable_ = function (g, n) {
var u = this.createResolveAndReject_()
try {
g.call(n, u.resolve, u.reject)
} catch (z) {
k.prototype.then = function (g, n) {
function u(V, W) {
return 'function' == typeof V
? function (v) {
try {
} catch (x) {
: W
var z,
aa = new k(function (V, W) {
z = V
P = W
this.callWhenSettled_(u(g, z), u(n, P))
return aa
k.prototype.catch = function (g) {
return this.then(void 0, g)
k.prototype.callWhenSettled_ = function (g, n) {
function u() {
switch (z.state_) {
case 1:
case 2:
throw Error('Unexpected state: ' + z.state_)
var z = this
null == this.onSettledCallbacks_
? A.asyncExecute(u)
: this.onSettledCallbacks_.push(u)
this.isRejectionHandled_ = !0
k.resolve = l
k.reject = function (g) {
return new k(function (n, u) {
k.race = function (g) {
return new k(function (n, u) {
for (
var z = $jscomp.makeIterator(g), P = z.next();
P = z.next()
l(P.value).callWhenSettled_(n, u)
k.all = function (g) {
var n = $jscomp.makeIterator(g),
u = n.next()
return u.done
? l([])
: new k(function (z, P) {
function aa(v) {
return function (x) {
V[v] = x
0 == W && z(V)
var V = [],
W = 0
V.push(void 0),
l(u.value).callWhenSettled_(aa(V.length - 1), P),
(u = n.next())
while (!u.done)
return k
function (m) {
function p(l) {
l = Number(l)
return Infinity === l || -Infinity === l ? l : l | 0
return m
? m
: function (l, q, k) {
var A = this.length
l = p(l)
q = p(q)
k = void 0 === k ? A : p(k)
l = 0 > l ? Math.max(A + l, 0) : Math.min(l, A)
q = 0 > q ? Math.max(A + q, 0) : Math.min(q, A)
k = 0 > k ? Math.max(A + k, 0) : Math.min(k, A)
if (l < q)
for (; q < k; )
q in this ? (this[l++] = this[q++]) : (delete this[l++], q++)
for (k = Math.min(k, A + q - l), l += k - q; k > q; )
--k in this ? (this[--l] = this[k]) : delete this[--l]
return this
$jscomp.typedArrayCopyWithin = function (m) {
return m ? m : Array.prototype.copyWithin
var DracoDecoderModule = (function () {
var m =
'undefined' !== typeof document && document.currentScript
? document.currentScript.src
: void 0
'undefined' !== typeof __filename && (m = m || __filename)
return function (p) {
function l(e) {
return a.locateFile ? a.locateFile(e, X) : X + e
function q(e, b) {
e || n('Assertion failed: ' + b)
function k(e, b, c) {
var d = b + c
for (c = b; e[c] && !(c >= d); ) ++c
if (16 < c - b && e.subarray && Da) return Da.decode(e.subarray(b, c))
for (d = ''; b < c; ) {
var f = e[b++]
if (f & 128) {
var t = e[b++] & 63
if (192 == (f & 224)) d += String.fromCharCode(((f & 31) << 6) | t)
else {
var Y = e[b++] & 63
f =
224 == (f & 240)
? ((f & 15) << 12) | (t << 6) | Y
: ((f & 7) << 18) | (t << 12) | (Y << 6) | (e[b++] & 63)
65536 > f
? (d += String.fromCharCode(f))
: ((f -= 65536),
(d += String.fromCharCode(
55296 | (f >> 10),
56320 | (f & 1023),
} else d += String.fromCharCode(f)
return d
function A(e, b) {
return e ? k(ja, e, b) : ''
function g(e) {
Ea = e
a.HEAP8 = ba = new Int8Array(e)
a.HEAP16 = new Int16Array(e)
a.HEAP32 = F = new Int32Array(e)
a.HEAPU8 = ja = new Uint8Array(e)
a.HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(e)
a.HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(e)
a.HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(e)
a.HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(e)
function n(e) {
if (a.onAbort) a.onAbort(e)
e += ''
Fa = !0
e = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(
'abort(' + e + '). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.',
throw e
function u(e, b) {
return String.prototype.startsWith ? e.startsWith(b) : 0 === e.indexOf(b)
function z(e) {
try {
if (e == Q && ka) return new Uint8Array(ka)
if (oa) return oa(e)
throw 'both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed'
} catch (b) {
function P() {
if (!ka && (pa || fa)) {
if ('function' === typeof fetch && !u(Q, 'file://'))
return fetch(Q, { credentials: 'same-origin' })
.then(function (e) {
if (!e.ok) throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + Q + "'"
return e.arrayBuffer()
.catch(function () {
return z(Q)
if (Ga)
return new Promise(function (e, b) {
function (c) {
e(new Uint8Array(c))
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return z(Q)
function aa(e) {
for (; 0 < e.length; ) {
var b = e.shift()
if ('function' == typeof b) b(a)
else {
var c = b.func
'number' === typeof c
? void 0 === b.arg
? ta.get(c)()
: ta.get(c)(b.arg)
: c(void 0 === b.arg ? null : b.arg)
function V(e) {
this.excPtr = e
this.ptr = e - D.SIZE
this.set_type = function (b) {
F[(this.ptr + D.TYPE_OFFSET) >> 2] = b
this.get_type = function () {
return F[(this.ptr + D.TYPE_OFFSET) >> 2]
this.set_destructor = function (b) {
F[(this.ptr + D.DESTRUCTOR_OFFSET) >> 2] = b
this.get_destructor = function () {
return F[(this.ptr + D.DESTRUCTOR_OFFSET) >> 2]
this.set_refcount = function (b) {
F[(this.ptr + D.REFCOUNT_OFFSET) >> 2] = b
this.set_caught = function (b) {
ba[(this.ptr + D.CAUGHT_OFFSET) >> 0] = b ? 1 : 0
this.get_caught = function () {
return 0 != ba[(this.ptr + D.CAUGHT_OFFSET) >> 0]
this.set_rethrown = function (b) {
ba[(this.ptr + D.RETHROWN_OFFSET) >> 0] = b ? 1 : 0
this.get_rethrown = function () {
return 0 != ba[(this.ptr + D.RETHROWN_OFFSET) >> 0]
this.init = function (b, c) {
this.add_ref = function () {
F[(this.ptr + D.REFCOUNT_OFFSET) >> 2] += 1
this.release_ref = function () {
var b = F[(this.ptr + D.REFCOUNT_OFFSET) >> 2]
F[(this.ptr + D.REFCOUNT_OFFSET) >> 2] = b - 1
return 1 === b
function W(e) {
function b() {
if (!qa && ((qa = !0), (a.calledRun = !0), !Fa)) {
Ha = !0
if (a.onRuntimeInitialized) a.onRuntimeInitialized()
if (a.postRun)
for (
'function' == typeof a.postRun && (a.postRun = [a.postRun]);
if (!(0 < ha)) {
if (a.preRun)
for (
'function' == typeof a.preRun && (a.preRun = [a.preRun]);
0 < ha ||
? (a.setStatus('Running...'),
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1)
}, 1))
: b())
function v() {}
function x(e) {
return (e || v).__cache__
function S(e, b) {
var c = x(b),
d = c[e]
if (d) return d
d = Object.create((b || v).prototype)
d.ptr = e
return (c[e] = d)
function da(e) {
if ('string' === typeof e) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < e.length; ++c) {
var d = e.charCodeAt(c)
55296 <= d &&
57343 >= d &&
(d = (65536 + ((d & 1023) << 10)) | (e.charCodeAt(++c) & 1023))
127 >= d ? ++b : (b = 2047 >= d ? b + 2 : 65535 >= d ? b + 3 : b + 4)
b = Array(b + 1)
c = 0
d = b.length
if (0 < d) {
d = c + d - 1
for (var f = 0; f < e.length; ++f) {
var t = e.charCodeAt(f)
if (55296 <= t && 57343 >= t) {
var Y = e.charCodeAt(++f)
t = (65536 + ((t & 1023) << 10)) | (Y & 1023)
if (127 >= t) {
if (c >= d) break
b[c++] = t
} else {
if (2047 >= t) {
if (c + 1 >= d) break
b[c++] = 192 | (t >> 6)
} else {
if (65535 >= t) {
if (c + 2 >= d) break
b[c++] = 224 | (t >> 12)
} else {
if (c + 3 >= d) break
b[c++] = 240 | (t >> 18)
b[c++] = 128 | ((t >> 12) & 63)
b[c++] = 128 | ((t >> 6) & 63)
b[c++] = 128 | (t & 63)
b[c] = 0
e = r.alloc(b, ba)
r.copy(b, ba, e)
return e
return e
function va(e) {
if ('object' === typeof e) {
var b = r.alloc(e, ba)
r.copy(e, ba, b)
return b
return e
function ca() {
throw 'cannot construct a VoidPtr, no constructor in IDL'
function T() {
this.ptr = Ma()
x(T)[this.ptr] = this
function R() {
this.ptr = Na()
x(R)[this.ptr] = this
function Z() {
this.ptr = Oa()
x(Z)[this.ptr] = this
function w() {
this.ptr = Pa()
x(w)[this.ptr] = this
function C() {
this.ptr = Qa()
x(C)[this.ptr] = this
function G() {
this.ptr = Ra()
x(G)[this.ptr] = this
function H() {
this.ptr = Sa()
x(H)[this.ptr] = this
function E() {
this.ptr = Ta()
x(E)[this.ptr] = this
function U() {
this.ptr = Ua()
x(U)[this.ptr] = this
function B() {
throw 'cannot construct a Status, no constructor in IDL'
function I() {
this.ptr = Va()
x(I)[this.ptr] = this
function J() {
this.ptr = Wa()
x(J)[this.ptr] = this
function K() {
this.ptr = Xa()
x(K)[this.ptr] = this
function L() {
this.ptr = Ya()
x(L)[this.ptr] = this
function M() {
this.ptr = Za()
x(M)[this.ptr] = this
function N() {
this.ptr = $a()
x(N)[this.ptr] = this
function O() {
this.ptr = ab()
x(O)[this.ptr] = this
function y() {
this.ptr = bb()
x(y)[this.ptr] = this
function h() {
this.ptr = cb()
x(h)[this.ptr] = this
p = p || {}
var a = 'undefined' !== typeof p ? p : {},
a.ready = new Promise(function (e, b) {
Ja = e
sa = b
var db = !1,
eb = !1
a.onRuntimeInitialized = function () {
db = !0
if (eb && 'function' === typeof a.onModuleLoaded) a.onModuleLoaded(a)
a.onModuleParsed = function () {
eb = !0
if (db && 'function' === typeof a.onModuleLoaded) a.onModuleLoaded(a)
a.isVersionSupported = function (e) {
if ('string' !== typeof e) return !1
e = e.split('.')
return 2 > e.length || 3 < e.length
? !1
: 1 == e[0] && 0 <= e[1] && 4 >= e[1]
? !0
: 0 != e[0] || 10 < e[1]
? !1
: !0
var la = {},
for (ea in a) a.hasOwnProperty(ea) && (la[ea] = a[ea])
var pa = !1,
fa = !1,
wa = !1,
fb = !1
pa = 'object' === typeof window
fa = 'function' === typeof importScripts
wa =
'object' === typeof process &&
'object' === typeof process.versions &&
'string' === typeof process.versions.node
fb = !pa && !wa && !fa
var X = '',
if (wa) {
X = fa ? require('path').dirname(X) + '/' : __dirname + '/'
var za = function (e, b) {
xa || (xa = require('fs'))
ya || (ya = require('path'))
e = ya.normalize(e)
return xa.readFileSync(e, b ? null : 'utf8')
var oa = function (e) {
e = za(e, !0)
e.buffer || (e = new Uint8Array(e))
return e
1 < process.argv.length && process.argv[1].replace(/\\/g, '/')
a.inspect = function () {
return '[Emscripten Module object]'
} else if (fb)
'undefined' != typeof read &&
(za = function (e) {
return read(e)
(oa = function (e) {
if ('function' === typeof readbuffer)
return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(e))
e = read(e, 'binary')
q('object' === typeof e)
return e
'undefined' !== typeof print &&
('undefined' === typeof console && (console = {}),
(console.log = print),
(console.warn = console.error =
'undefined' !== typeof printErr ? printErr : print))
else if (pa || fa) {
? (X = self.location.href)
: 'undefined' !== typeof document &&
document.currentScript &&
(X = document.currentScript.src)
m && (X = m)
X = 0 !== X.indexOf('blob:') ? X.substr(0, X.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) : ''
za = function (e) {
var b = new XMLHttpRequest()
b.open('GET', e, !1)
return b.responseText
fa &&
(oa = function (e) {
var b = new XMLHttpRequest()
b.open('GET', e, !1)
b.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
return new Uint8Array(b.response)
var Ga = function (e, b, c) {
var d = new XMLHttpRequest()
d.open('GET', e, !0)
d.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
d.onload = function () {
200 == d.status || (0 == d.status && d.response) ? b(d.response) : c()
d.onerror = c
var Ad = a.print || console.log.bind(console),
ia = a.printErr || console.warn.bind(console)
for (ea in la) la.hasOwnProperty(ea) && (a[ea] = la[ea])
la = null
var ka
a.wasmBinary && (ka = a.wasmBinary)
'object' !== typeof WebAssembly && n('no native wasm support detected')
var ra,
Fa = !1,
Da =
'undefined' !== typeof TextDecoder ? new TextDecoder('utf8') : void 0,
La = [],
Ia = [],
ua = [],
Ka = [],
Ha = !1,
ha = 0,
Aa = null,
ma = null
a.preloadedImages = {}
a.preloadedAudios = {}
var Q = 'draco_decoder.wasm'
u(Q, 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,') || (Q = l(Q))
var D = {
SIZE: 16,
Bd = 0,
na = {
mappings: {},
buffers: [null, [], []],
printChar: function (e, b) {
var c = na.buffers[e]
0 === b || 10 === b
? ((1 === e ? Ad : ia)(k(c, 0)), (c.length = 0))
: c.push(b)
varargs: void 0,
get: function () {
na.varargs += 4
return F[(na.varargs - 4) >> 2]
getStr: function (e) {
return A(e)
get64: function (e, b) {
return e
Cd = {
h: function (e) {
return gb(e + D.SIZE) + D.SIZE
g: function (e, b, c) {
new V(e).init(b, c)
throw e
a: function () {
d: function (e, b, c) {
ja.copyWithin(e, b, b + c)
e: function (e) {
var b = ja.length
e >>>= 0
if (2147483648 < e) return !1
for (var c = 1; 4 >= c; c *= 2) {
var d = b * (1 + 0.2 / c)
d = Math.min(d, e + 100663296)
var f = Math,
t = f.min
d = Math.max(e, d)
0 < d % 65536 && (d += 65536 - (d % 65536))
f = t.call(f, 2147483648, d)
a: {
try {
ra.grow((f - Ea.byteLength + 65535) >>> 16)
var Y = 1
break a
} catch (Ba) {}
Y = void 0
if (Y) return !0
return !1
f: function (e) {
return 0
c: function (e, b, c, d, f) {},
b: function (e, b, c, d) {
for (var f = 0, t = 0; t < c; t++) {
for (
var Y = F[(b + 8 * t) >> 2],
Ba = F[(b + (8 * t + 4)) >> 2],
Ca = 0;
Ca < Ba;
na.printChar(e, ja[Y + Ca])
f += Ba
F[d >> 2] = f
return 0
;(function () {
function e(f, t) {
a.asm = f.exports
ra = a.asm.i
ta = a.asm.k
a.monitorRunDependencies && a.monitorRunDependencies(ha)
0 == ha &&
(null !== Aa && (clearInterval(Aa), (Aa = null)),
ma && ((f = ma), (ma = null), f()))
function b(f) {
function c(f) {
return P()
.then(function (t) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(t, d)
.then(f, function (t) {
ia('failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: ' + t)
var d = { a: Cd }
a.monitorRunDependencies && a.monitorRunDependencies(ha)
if (a.instantiateWasm)
try {
return a.instantiateWasm(d, e)
} catch (f) {
return (
ia('Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: ' + f), !1
;(function () {
return ka ||
'function' !== typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming ||
u(Q, 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,') ||
u(Q, 'file://') ||
'function' !== typeof fetch
? c(b)
: fetch(Q, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(function (f) {
return WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(f, d).then(
function (t) {
ia('wasm streaming compile failed: ' + t)
ia('falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation')
return c(b)
return {}
a.___wasm_call_ctors = function () {
return (a.___wasm_call_ctors = a.asm.j).apply(null, arguments)
var hb = (a._emscripten_bind_VoidPtr___destroy___0 = function () {
return (hb = a._emscripten_bind_VoidPtr___destroy___0 = a.asm.l).apply(
Ma = (a._emscripten_bind_DecoderBuffer_DecoderBuffer_0 = function () {
return (Ma = a._emscripten_bind_DecoderBuffer_DecoderBuffer_0 =
a.asm.m).apply(null, arguments)
ib = (a._emscripten_bind_DecoderBuffer_Init_2 = function () {
return (ib = a._emscripten_bind_DecoderBuffer_Init_2 = a.asm.n).apply(
jb = (a._emscripten_bind_DecoderBuffer___destroy___0 = function () {
return (jb = a._emscripten_bind_DecoderBuffer___destroy___0 =
a.asm.o).apply(null, arguments)
Na = (a._emscripten_bind_AttributeTransformData_AttributeTransformData_0 =
function () {
return (Na =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeTransformData_AttributeTransformData_0 =
a.asm.p).apply(null, arguments)
kb = (a._emscripten_bind_AttributeTransformData_transform_type_0 =
function () {
return (kb =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeTransformData_transform_type_0 =
a.asm.q).apply(null, arguments)
lb = (a._emscripten_bind_AttributeTransformData___destroy___0 =
function () {
return (lb = a._emscripten_bind_AttributeTransformData___destroy___0 =
a.asm.r).apply(null, arguments)
Oa = (a._emscripten_bind_GeometryAttribute_GeometryAttribute_0 =
function () {
return (Oa =
a._emscripten_bind_GeometryAttribute_GeometryAttribute_0 =
a.asm.s).apply(null, arguments)
mb = (a._emscripten_bind_GeometryAttribute___destroy___0 = function () {
return (mb = a._emscripten_bind_GeometryAttribute___destroy___0 =
a.asm.t).apply(null, arguments)
Pa = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_PointAttribute_0 = function () {
return (Pa = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_PointAttribute_0 =
a.asm.u).apply(null, arguments)
nb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_size_0 = function () {
return (nb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_size_0 = a.asm.v).apply(
ob = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_GetAttributeTransformData_0 =
function () {
return (ob =
a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_GetAttributeTransformData_0 =
a.asm.w).apply(null, arguments)
pb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_attribute_type_0 = function () {
return (pb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_attribute_type_0 =
a.asm.x).apply(null, arguments)
qb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_data_type_0 = function () {
return (qb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_data_type_0 =
a.asm.y).apply(null, arguments)
rb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_num_components_0 = function () {
return (rb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_num_components_0 =
a.asm.z).apply(null, arguments)
sb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_normalized_0 = function () {
return (sb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_normalized_0 =
a.asm.A).apply(null, arguments)
tb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_byte_stride_0 = function () {
return (tb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_byte_stride_0 =
a.asm.B).apply(null, arguments)
ub = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_byte_offset_0 = function () {
return (ub = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_byte_offset_0 =
a.asm.C).apply(null, arguments)
vb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_unique_id_0 = function () {
return (vb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute_unique_id_0 =
a.asm.D).apply(null, arguments)
wb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute___destroy___0 = function () {
return (wb = a._emscripten_bind_PointAttribute___destroy___0 =
a.asm.E).apply(null, arguments)
Qa =
(a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_AttributeQuantizationTransform_0 =
function () {
return (Qa =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_AttributeQuantizationTransform_0 =
a.asm.F).apply(null, arguments)
xb =
(a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_InitFromAttribute_1 =
function () {
return (xb =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_InitFromAttribute_1 =
a.asm.G).apply(null, arguments)
yb =
(a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_quantization_bits_0 =
function () {
return (yb =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_quantization_bits_0 =
a.asm.H).apply(null, arguments)
zb = (a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_min_value_1 =
function () {
return (zb =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_min_value_1 =
a.asm.I).apply(null, arguments)
Ab = (a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_range_0 =
function () {
return (Ab =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform_range_0 =
a.asm.J).apply(null, arguments)
Bb = (a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform___destroy___0 =
function () {
return (Bb =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeQuantizationTransform___destroy___0 =
a.asm.K).apply(null, arguments)
Ra =
(a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform_AttributeOctahedronTransform_0 =
function () {
return (Ra =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform_AttributeOctahedronTransform_0 =
a.asm.L).apply(null, arguments)
Cb =
(a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform_InitFromAttribute_1 =
function () {
return (Cb =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform_InitFromAttribute_1 =
a.asm.M).apply(null, arguments)
Db =
(a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform_quantization_bits_0 =
function () {
return (Db =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform_quantization_bits_0 =
a.asm.N).apply(null, arguments)
Eb = (a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform___destroy___0 =
function () {
return (Eb =
a._emscripten_bind_AttributeOctahedronTransform___destroy___0 =
a.asm.O).apply(null, arguments)
Sa = (a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud_PointCloud_0 = function () {
return (Sa = a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud_PointCloud_0 =
a.asm.P).apply(null, arguments)
Fb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud_num_attributes_0 = function () {
return (Fb = a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud_num_attributes_0 =
a.asm.Q).apply(null, arguments)
Gb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud_num_points_0 = function () {
return (Gb = a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud_num_points_0 =
a.asm.R).apply(null, arguments)
Hb = (a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Hb = a._emscripten_bind_PointCloud___destroy___0 =
a.asm.S).apply(null, arguments)
Ta = (a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_Mesh_0 = function () {
return (Ta = a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_Mesh_0 = a.asm.T).apply(
Ib = (a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_num_faces_0 = function () {
return (Ib = a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_num_faces_0 = a.asm.U).apply(
Jb = (a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_num_attributes_0 = function () {
return (Jb = a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_num_attributes_0 = a.asm.V).apply(
Kb = (a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_num_points_0 = function () {
return (Kb = a._emscripten_bind_Mesh_num_points_0 = a.asm.W).apply(
Lb = (a._emscripten_bind_Mesh___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Lb = a._emscripten_bind_Mesh___destroy___0 = a.asm.X).apply(
Ua = (a._emscripten_bind_Metadata_Metadata_0 = function () {
return (Ua = a._emscripten_bind_Metadata_Metadata_0 = a.asm.Y).apply(
Mb = (a._emscripten_bind_Metadata___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Mb = a._emscripten_bind_Metadata___destroy___0 = a.asm.Z).apply(
Nb = (a._emscripten_bind_Status_code_0 = function () {
return (Nb = a._emscripten_bind_Status_code_0 = a.asm._).apply(
Ob = (a._emscripten_bind_Status_ok_0 = function () {
return (Ob = a._emscripten_bind_Status_ok_0 = a.asm.$).apply(
Pb = (a._emscripten_bind_Status_error_msg_0 = function () {
return (Pb = a._emscripten_bind_Status_error_msg_0 = a.asm.aa).apply(
Qb = (a._emscripten_bind_Status___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Qb = a._emscripten_bind_Status___destroy___0 = a.asm.ba).apply(
Va = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array_DracoFloat32Array_0 =
function () {
return (Va =
a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array_DracoFloat32Array_0 =
a.asm.ca).apply(null, arguments)
Rb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array_GetValue_1 = function () {
return (Rb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array_GetValue_1 =
a.asm.da).apply(null, arguments)
Sb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array_size_0 = function () {
return (Sb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array_size_0 =
a.asm.ea).apply(null, arguments)
Tb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Tb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoFloat32Array___destroy___0 =
a.asm.fa).apply(null, arguments)
Wa = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array_DracoInt8Array_0 = function () {
return (Wa = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array_DracoInt8Array_0 =
a.asm.ga).apply(null, arguments)
Ub = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array_GetValue_1 = function () {
return (Ub = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array_GetValue_1 =
a.asm.ha).apply(null, arguments)
Vb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array_size_0 = function () {
return (Vb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array_size_0 = a.asm.ia).apply(
Wb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Wb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt8Array___destroy___0 =
a.asm.ja).apply(null, arguments)
Xa = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array_DracoUInt8Array_0 = function () {
return (Xa = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array_DracoUInt8Array_0 =
a.asm.ka).apply(null, arguments)
Xb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array_GetValue_1 = function () {
return (Xb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array_GetValue_1 =
a.asm.la).apply(null, arguments)
Yb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array_size_0 = function () {
return (Yb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array_size_0 =
a.asm.ma).apply(null, arguments)
Zb = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Zb = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt8Array___destroy___0 =
a.asm.na).apply(null, arguments)
Ya = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array_DracoInt16Array_0 = function () {
return (Ya = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array_DracoInt16Array_0 =
a.asm.oa).apply(null, arguments)
$b = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array_GetValue_1 = function () {
return ($b = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array_GetValue_1 =
a.asm.pa).apply(null, arguments)
ac = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array_size_0 = function () {
return (ac = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array_size_0 =
a.asm.qa).apply(null, arguments)
bc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array___destroy___0 = function () {
return (bc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt16Array___destroy___0 =
a.asm.ra).apply(null, arguments)
Za = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array_DracoUInt16Array_0 =
function () {
return (Za = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array_DracoUInt16Array_0 =
a.asm.sa).apply(null, arguments)
cc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array_GetValue_1 = function () {
return (cc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array_GetValue_1 =
a.asm.ta).apply(null, arguments)
dc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array_size_0 = function () {
return (dc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array_size_0 =
a.asm.ua).apply(null, arguments)
ec = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array___destroy___0 = function () {
return (ec = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt16Array___destroy___0 =
a.asm.va).apply(null, arguments)
$a = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array_DracoInt32Array_0 = function () {
return ($a = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array_DracoInt32Array_0 =
a.asm.wa).apply(null, arguments)
fc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array_GetValue_1 = function () {
return (fc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array_GetValue_1 =
a.asm.xa).apply(null, arguments)
gc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array_size_0 = function () {
return (gc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array_size_0 =
a.asm.ya).apply(null, arguments)
hc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array___destroy___0 = function () {
return (hc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoInt32Array___destroy___0 =
a.asm.za).apply(null, arguments)
ab = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array_DracoUInt32Array_0 =
function () {
return (ab = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array_DracoUInt32Array_0 =
a.asm.Aa).apply(null, arguments)
ic = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array_GetValue_1 = function () {
return (ic = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array_GetValue_1 =
a.asm.Ba).apply(null, arguments)
jc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array_size_0 = function () {
return (jc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array_size_0 =
a.asm.Ca).apply(null, arguments)
kc = (a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array___destroy___0 = function () {
return (kc = a._emscripten_bind_DracoUInt32Array___destroy___0 =
a.asm.Da).apply(null, arguments)
bb = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_MetadataQuerier_0 = function () {
return (bb = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_MetadataQuerier_0 =
a.asm.Ea).apply(null, arguments)
lc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_HasEntry_2 = function () {
return (lc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_HasEntry_2 =
a.asm.Fa).apply(null, arguments)
mc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetIntEntry_2 = function () {
return (mc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetIntEntry_2 =
a.asm.Ga).apply(null, arguments)
nc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetIntEntryArray_3 =
function () {
return (nc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetIntEntryArray_3 =
a.asm.Ha).apply(null, arguments)
oc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetDoubleEntry_2 = function () {
return (oc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetDoubleEntry_2 =
a.asm.Ia).apply(null, arguments)
pc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetStringEntry_2 = function () {
return (pc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetStringEntry_2 =
a.asm.Ja).apply(null, arguments)
qc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_NumEntries_1 = function () {
return (qc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_NumEntries_1 =
a.asm.Ka).apply(null, arguments)
rc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetEntryName_2 = function () {
return (rc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier_GetEntryName_2 =
a.asm.La).apply(null, arguments)
sc = (a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier___destroy___0 = function () {
return (sc = a._emscripten_bind_MetadataQuerier___destroy___0 =
a.asm.Ma).apply(null, arguments)
cb = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_Decoder_0 = function () {
return (cb = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_Decoder_0 = a.asm.Na).apply(
tc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeArrayToPointCloud_3 = function () {
return (tc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeArrayToPointCloud_3 =
a.asm.Oa).apply(null, arguments)
uc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeArrayToMesh_3 = function () {
return (uc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeArrayToMesh_3 =
a.asm.Pa).apply(null, arguments)
vc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeId_2 = function () {
return (vc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeId_2 =
a.asm.Qa).apply(null, arguments)
wc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeIdByName_2 = function () {
return (wc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeIdByName_2 =
a.asm.Ra).apply(null, arguments)
xc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry_3 =
function () {
return (xc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry_3 =
a.asm.Sa).apply(null, arguments)
yc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttribute_2 = function () {
return (yc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttribute_2 =
a.asm.Ta).apply(null, arguments)
zc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeByUniqueId_2 = function () {
return (zc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeByUniqueId_2 =
a.asm.Ua).apply(null, arguments)
Ac = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetMetadata_1 = function () {
return (Ac = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetMetadata_1 = a.asm.Va).apply(
Bc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeMetadata_2 = function () {
return (Bc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeMetadata_2 =
a.asm.Wa).apply(null, arguments)
Cc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetFaceFromMesh_3 = function () {
return (Cc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetFaceFromMesh_3 =
a.asm.Xa).apply(null, arguments)
Dc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetTriangleStripsFromMesh_2 =
function () {
return (Dc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetTriangleStripsFromMesh_2 =
a.asm.Ya).apply(null, arguments)
Ec = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetTrianglesUInt16Array_3 = function () {
return (Ec = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetTrianglesUInt16Array_3 =
a.asm.Za).apply(null, arguments)
Fc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetTrianglesUInt32Array_3 = function () {
return (Fc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetTrianglesUInt32Array_3 =
a.asm._a).apply(null, arguments)
Gc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeFloat_3 = function () {
return (Gc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeFloat_3 =
a.asm.$a).apply(null, arguments)
Hc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Hc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.ab).apply(null, arguments)
Ic = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeIntForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Ic =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeIntForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.bb).apply(null, arguments)
Jc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeInt8ForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Jc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeInt8ForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.cb).apply(null, arguments)
Kc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeUInt8ForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Kc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeUInt8ForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.db).apply(null, arguments)
Lc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeInt16ForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Lc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeInt16ForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.eb).apply(null, arguments)
Mc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Mc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.fb).apply(null, arguments)
Nc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeInt32ForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Nc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeInt32ForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.gb).apply(null, arguments)
Oc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeUInt32ForAllPoints_3 =
function () {
return (Oc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeUInt32ForAllPoints_3 =
a.asm.hb).apply(null, arguments)
Pc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints_5 =
function () {
return (Pc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints_5 =
a.asm.ib).apply(null, arguments)
Qc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_SkipAttributeTransform_1 = function () {
return (Qc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_SkipAttributeTransform_1 =
a.asm.jb).apply(null, arguments)
Rc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetEncodedGeometryType_Deprecated_1 =
function () {
return (Rc =
a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_GetEncodedGeometryType_Deprecated_1 =
a.asm.kb).apply(null, arguments)
Sc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeBufferToPointCloud_2 =
function () {
return (Sc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeBufferToPointCloud_2 =
a.asm.lb).apply(null, arguments)
Tc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeBufferToMesh_2 = function () {
return (Tc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder_DecodeBufferToMesh_2 =
a.asm.mb).apply(null, arguments)
Uc = (a._emscripten_bind_Decoder___destroy___0 = function () {
return (Uc = a._emscripten_bind_Decoder___destroy___0 = a.asm.nb).apply(
Vc =
(a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID_TRANSFORM =
function () {
return (Vc =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID_TRANSFORM =
a.asm.ob).apply(null, arguments)
Wc =
(a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_NO_TRANSFORM =
function () {
return (Wc =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_NO_TRANSFORM =
a.asm.pb).apply(null, arguments)
Xc =
(a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_QUANTIZATION_TRANSFORM =
function () {
return (Xc =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_QUANTIZATION_TRANSFORM =
a.asm.qb).apply(null, arguments)
Yc =
(a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_OCTAHEDRON_TRANSFORM =
function () {
return (Yc =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_AttributeTransformType_ATTRIBUTE_OCTAHEDRON_TRANSFORM =
a.asm.rb).apply(null, arguments)
Zc = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_INVALID =
function () {
return (Zc = a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_INVALID =
a.asm.sb).apply(null, arguments)
$c = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_POSITION =
function () {
return ($c =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_POSITION =
a.asm.tb).apply(null, arguments)
ad = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_NORMAL =
function () {
return (ad = a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_NORMAL =
a.asm.ub).apply(null, arguments)
bd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_COLOR =
function () {
return (bd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_COLOR =
a.asm.vb).apply(null, arguments)
cd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_TEX_COORD =
function () {
return (cd =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_TEX_COORD =
a.asm.wb).apply(null, arguments)
dd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_GENERIC =
function () {
return (dd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_GeometryAttribute_Type_GENERIC =
a.asm.xb).apply(null, arguments)
ed = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_EncodedGeometryType_INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE =
function () {
return (ed =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_EncodedGeometryType_INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE =
a.asm.yb).apply(null, arguments)
fd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_EncodedGeometryType_POINT_CLOUD =
function () {
return (fd =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_EncodedGeometryType_POINT_CLOUD =
a.asm.zb).apply(null, arguments)
gd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_EncodedGeometryType_TRIANGULAR_MESH =
function () {
return (gd =
a._emscripten_enum_draco_EncodedGeometryType_TRIANGULAR_MESH =
a.asm.Ab).apply(null, arguments)
hd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INVALID = function () {
return (hd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INVALID =
a.asm.Bb).apply(null, arguments)
id = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT8 = function () {
return (id = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT8 =
a.asm.Cb).apply(null, arguments)
jd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT8 = function () {
return (jd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT8 =
a.asm.Db).apply(null, arguments)
kd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT16 = function () {
return (kd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT16 =
a.asm.Eb).apply(null, arguments)
ld = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT16 = function () {
return (ld = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT16 =
a.asm.Fb).apply(null, arguments)
md = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT32 = function () {
return (md = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT32 =
a.asm.Gb).apply(null, arguments)
nd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT32 = function () {
return (nd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT32 =
a.asm.Hb).apply(null, arguments)
od = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT64 = function () {
return (od = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_INT64 =
a.asm.Ib).apply(null, arguments)
pd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT64 = function () {
return (pd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_UINT64 =
a.asm.Jb).apply(null, arguments)
qd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_FLOAT32 = function () {
return (qd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_FLOAT32 =
a.asm.Kb).apply(null, arguments)
rd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_FLOAT64 = function () {
return (rd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_FLOAT64 =
a.asm.Lb).apply(null, arguments)
sd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_BOOL = function () {
return (sd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_BOOL =
a.asm.Mb).apply(null, arguments)
td = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_TYPES_COUNT = function () {
return (td = a._emscripten_enum_draco_DataType_DT_TYPES_COUNT =
a.asm.Nb).apply(null, arguments)
ud = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_OK = function () {
return (ud = a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_OK = a.asm.Ob).apply(
vd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_DRACO_ERROR = function () {
return (vd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_DRACO_ERROR =
a.asm.Pb).apply(null, arguments)
wd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_IO_ERROR = function () {
return (wd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_IO_ERROR =
a.asm.Qb).apply(null, arguments)
xd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_INVALID_PARAMETER =
function () {
return (xd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_INVALID_PARAMETER =
a.asm.Rb).apply(null, arguments)
yd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION =
function () {
return (yd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION =
a.asm.Sb).apply(null, arguments)
zd = (a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_UNKNOWN_VERSION = function () {
return (zd = a._emscripten_enum_draco_StatusCode_UNKNOWN_VERSION =
a.asm.Tb).apply(null, arguments)
a._free = function () {
return (a._free = a.asm.Ub).apply(null, arguments)
var gb = (a._malloc = function () {
return (gb = a._malloc = a.asm.Vb).apply(null, arguments)
a.callRuntimeCallbacks = aa
var qa
ma = function b() {
qa || W()
qa || (ma = b)
a.run = W
if (a.preInit)
for (
'function' == typeof a.preInit && (a.preInit = [a.preInit]);
0 < a.preInit.length;
v.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
v.prototype.constructor = v
v.prototype.__class__ = v
v.__cache__ = {}
a.WrapperObject = v
a.getCache = x
a.wrapPointer = S
a.castObject = function (b, c) {
return S(b.ptr, c)
a.NULL = S(0)
a.destroy = function (b) {
if (!b.__destroy__)
throw 'Error: Cannot destroy object. (Did you create it yourself?)'
delete x(b.__class__)[b.ptr]
a.compare = function (b, c) {
return b.ptr === c.ptr
a.getPointer = function (b) {
return b.ptr
a.getClass = function (b) {
return b.__class__
var r = {
buffer: 0,
size: 0,
pos: 0,
temps: [],
needed: 0,
prepare: function () {
if (r.needed) {
for (var b = 0; b < r.temps.length; b++) a._free(r.temps[b])
r.temps.length = 0
r.buffer = 0
r.size += r.needed
r.needed = 0
r.buffer ||
((r.size += 128), (r.buffer = a._malloc(r.size)), q(r.buffer))
r.pos = 0
alloc: function (b, c) {
b = b.length * c.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
b = (b + 7) & -8
r.pos + b >= r.size
? (q(0 < b), (r.needed += b), (c = a._malloc(b)), r.temps.push(c))
: ((c = r.buffer + r.pos), (r.pos += b))
return c
copy: function (b, c, d) {
d >>>= 0
switch (c.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) {
case 2:
d >>>= 1
case 4:
d >>>= 2
case 8:
d >>>= 3
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) c[d + f] = b[f]
ca.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
ca.prototype.constructor = ca
ca.prototype.__class__ = ca
ca.__cache__ = {}
a.VoidPtr = ca
ca.prototype.__destroy__ = ca.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
T.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
T.prototype.constructor = T
T.prototype.__class__ = T
T.__cache__ = {}
a.DecoderBuffer = T
T.prototype.Init = T.prototype.Init = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
'object' == typeof b && (b = va(b))
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
ib(d, b, c)
T.prototype.__destroy__ = T.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
R.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
R.prototype.constructor = R
R.prototype.__class__ = R
R.__cache__ = {}
a.AttributeTransformData = R
R.prototype.transform_type = R.prototype.transform_type = function () {
return kb(this.ptr)
R.prototype.__destroy__ = R.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
Z.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
Z.prototype.constructor = Z
Z.prototype.__class__ = Z
Z.__cache__ = {}
a.GeometryAttribute = Z
Z.prototype.__destroy__ = Z.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
w.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
w.prototype.constructor = w
w.prototype.__class__ = w
w.__cache__ = {}
a.PointAttribute = w
w.prototype.size = w.prototype.size = function () {
return nb(this.ptr)
w.prototype.GetAttributeTransformData =
w.prototype.GetAttributeTransformData = function () {
return S(ob(this.ptr), R)
w.prototype.attribute_type = w.prototype.attribute_type = function () {
return pb(this.ptr)
w.prototype.data_type = w.prototype.data_type = function () {
return qb(this.ptr)
w.prototype.num_components = w.prototype.num_components = function () {
return rb(this.ptr)
w.prototype.normalized = w.prototype.normalized = function () {
return !!sb(this.ptr)
w.prototype.byte_stride = w.prototype.byte_stride = function () {
return tb(this.ptr)
w.prototype.byte_offset = w.prototype.byte_offset = function () {
return ub(this.ptr)
w.prototype.unique_id = w.prototype.unique_id = function () {
return vb(this.ptr)
w.prototype.__destroy__ = w.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
C.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
C.prototype.constructor = C
C.prototype.__class__ = C
C.__cache__ = {}
a.AttributeQuantizationTransform = C
C.prototype.InitFromAttribute = C.prototype.InitFromAttribute = function (
) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return !!xb(c, b)
C.prototype.quantization_bits = C.prototype.quantization_bits =
function () {
return yb(this.ptr)
C.prototype.min_value = C.prototype.min_value = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return zb(c, b)
C.prototype.range = C.prototype.range = function () {
return Ab(this.ptr)
C.prototype.__destroy__ = C.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
G.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
G.prototype.constructor = G
G.prototype.__class__ = G
G.__cache__ = {}
a.AttributeOctahedronTransform = G
G.prototype.InitFromAttribute = G.prototype.InitFromAttribute = function (
) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return !!Cb(c, b)
G.prototype.quantization_bits = G.prototype.quantization_bits =
function () {
return Db(this.ptr)
G.prototype.__destroy__ = G.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
H.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
H.prototype.constructor = H
H.prototype.__class__ = H
H.__cache__ = {}
a.PointCloud = H
H.prototype.num_attributes = H.prototype.num_attributes = function () {
return Fb(this.ptr)
H.prototype.num_points = H.prototype.num_points = function () {
return Gb(this.ptr)
H.prototype.__destroy__ = H.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
E.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
E.prototype.constructor = E
E.prototype.__class__ = E
E.__cache__ = {}
a.Mesh = E
E.prototype.num_faces = E.prototype.num_faces = function () {
return Ib(this.ptr)
E.prototype.num_attributes = E.prototype.num_attributes = function () {
return Jb(this.ptr)
E.prototype.num_points = E.prototype.num_points = function () {
return Kb(this.ptr)
E.prototype.__destroy__ = E.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
U.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
U.prototype.constructor = U
U.prototype.__class__ = U
U.__cache__ = {}
a.Metadata = U
U.prototype.__destroy__ = U.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
B.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
B.prototype.constructor = B
B.prototype.__class__ = B
B.__cache__ = {}
a.Status = B
B.prototype.code = B.prototype.code = function () {
return Nb(this.ptr)
B.prototype.ok = B.prototype.ok = function () {
return !!Ob(this.ptr)
B.prototype.error_msg = B.prototype.error_msg = function () {
return A(Pb(this.ptr))
B.prototype.__destroy__ = B.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
I.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
I.prototype.constructor = I
I.prototype.__class__ = I
I.__cache__ = {}
a.DracoFloat32Array = I
I.prototype.GetValue = I.prototype.GetValue = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return Rb(c, b)
I.prototype.size = I.prototype.size = function () {
return Sb(this.ptr)
I.prototype.__destroy__ = I.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
J.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
J.prototype.constructor = J
J.prototype.__class__ = J
J.__cache__ = {}
a.DracoInt8Array = J
J.prototype.GetValue = J.prototype.GetValue = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return Ub(c, b)
J.prototype.size = J.prototype.size = function () {
return Vb(this.ptr)
J.prototype.__destroy__ = J.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
K.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
K.prototype.constructor = K
K.prototype.__class__ = K
K.__cache__ = {}
a.DracoUInt8Array = K
K.prototype.GetValue = K.prototype.GetValue = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return Xb(c, b)
K.prototype.size = K.prototype.size = function () {
return Yb(this.ptr)
K.prototype.__destroy__ = K.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
L.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
L.prototype.constructor = L
L.prototype.__class__ = L
L.__cache__ = {}
a.DracoInt16Array = L
L.prototype.GetValue = L.prototype.GetValue = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return $b(c, b)
L.prototype.size = L.prototype.size = function () {
return ac(this.ptr)
L.prototype.__destroy__ = L.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
M.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
M.prototype.constructor = M
M.prototype.__class__ = M
M.__cache__ = {}
a.DracoUInt16Array = M
M.prototype.GetValue = M.prototype.GetValue = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return cc(c, b)
M.prototype.size = M.prototype.size = function () {
return dc(this.ptr)
M.prototype.__destroy__ = M.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
N.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
N.prototype.constructor = N
N.prototype.__class__ = N
N.__cache__ = {}
a.DracoInt32Array = N
N.prototype.GetValue = N.prototype.GetValue = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return fc(c, b)
N.prototype.size = N.prototype.size = function () {
return gc(this.ptr)
N.prototype.__destroy__ = N.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
O.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
O.prototype.constructor = O
O.prototype.__class__ = O
O.__cache__ = {}
a.DracoUInt32Array = O
O.prototype.GetValue = O.prototype.GetValue = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return ic(c, b)
O.prototype.size = O.prototype.size = function () {
return jc(this.ptr)
O.prototype.__destroy__ = O.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
y.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
y.prototype.constructor = y
y.prototype.__class__ = y
y.__cache__ = {}
a.MetadataQuerier = y
y.prototype.HasEntry = y.prototype.HasEntry = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c = c && 'object' === typeof c ? c.ptr : da(c)
return !!lc(d, b, c)
y.prototype.GetIntEntry = y.prototype.GetIntEntry = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c = c && 'object' === typeof c ? c.ptr : da(c)
return mc(d, b, c)
y.prototype.GetIntEntryArray = y.prototype.GetIntEntryArray = function (
) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c = c && 'object' === typeof c ? c.ptr : da(c)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
nc(f, b, c, d)
y.prototype.GetDoubleEntry = y.prototype.GetDoubleEntry = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c = c && 'object' === typeof c ? c.ptr : da(c)
return oc(d, b, c)
y.prototype.GetStringEntry = y.prototype.GetStringEntry = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c = c && 'object' === typeof c ? c.ptr : da(c)
return A(pc(d, b, c))
y.prototype.NumEntries = y.prototype.NumEntries = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return qc(c, b)
y.prototype.GetEntryName = y.prototype.GetEntryName = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return A(rc(d, b, c))
y.prototype.__destroy__ = y.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
h.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)
h.prototype.constructor = h
h.prototype.__class__ = h
h.__cache__ = {}
a.Decoder = h
h.prototype.DecodeArrayToPointCloud = h.prototype.DecodeArrayToPointCloud =
function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
'object' == typeof b && (b = va(b))
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return S(tc(f, b, c, d), B)
h.prototype.DecodeArrayToMesh = h.prototype.DecodeArrayToMesh = function (
) {
var f = this.ptr
'object' == typeof b && (b = va(b))
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return S(uc(f, b, c, d), B)
h.prototype.GetAttributeId = h.prototype.GetAttributeId = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return vc(d, b, c)
h.prototype.GetAttributeIdByName = h.prototype.GetAttributeIdByName =
function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c = c && 'object' === typeof c ? c.ptr : da(c)
return wc(d, b, c)
h.prototype.GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry =
h.prototype.GetAttributeIdByMetadataEntry = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c = c && 'object' === typeof c ? c.ptr : da(c)
d = d && 'object' === typeof d ? d.ptr : da(d)
return xc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttribute = h.prototype.GetAttribute = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return S(yc(d, b, c), w)
h.prototype.GetAttributeByUniqueId = h.prototype.GetAttributeByUniqueId =
function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return S(zc(d, b, c), w)
h.prototype.GetMetadata = h.prototype.GetMetadata = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return S(Ac(c, b), U)
h.prototype.GetAttributeMetadata = h.prototype.GetAttributeMetadata =
function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return S(Bc(d, b, c), U)
h.prototype.GetFaceFromMesh = h.prototype.GetFaceFromMesh = function (
) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Cc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetTriangleStripsFromMesh =
h.prototype.GetTriangleStripsFromMesh = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return Dc(d, b, c)
h.prototype.GetTrianglesUInt16Array = h.prototype.GetTrianglesUInt16Array =
function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Ec(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetTrianglesUInt32Array = h.prototype.GetTrianglesUInt32Array =
function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Fc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeFloat = h.prototype.GetAttributeFloat = function (
) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Gc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeFloatForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Hc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeIntForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeIntForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Ic(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeInt8ForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeInt8ForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Jc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeUInt8ForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeUInt8ForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Kc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeInt16ForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeInt16ForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Lc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeUInt16ForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Mc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeInt32ForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeInt32ForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Nc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeUInt32ForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeUInt32ForAllPoints = function (b, c, d) {
var f = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
return !!Oc(f, b, c, d)
h.prototype.GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints =
h.prototype.GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints = function (b, c, d, f, t) {
var Y = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.ptr)
f && 'object' === typeof f && (f = f.ptr)
t && 'object' === typeof t && (t = t.ptr)
return !!Pc(Y, b, c, d, f, t)
h.prototype.SkipAttributeTransform = h.prototype.SkipAttributeTransform =
function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
Qc(c, b)
h.prototype.GetEncodedGeometryType_Deprecated =
h.prototype.GetEncodedGeometryType_Deprecated = function (b) {
var c = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
return Rc(c, b)
h.prototype.DecodeBufferToPointCloud =
h.prototype.DecodeBufferToPointCloud = function (b, c) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return S(Sc(d, b, c), B)
h.prototype.DecodeBufferToMesh = h.prototype.DecodeBufferToMesh = function (
) {
var d = this.ptr
b && 'object' === typeof b && (b = b.ptr)
c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.ptr)
return S(Tc(d, b, c), B)
h.prototype.__destroy__ = h.prototype.__destroy__ = function () {
;(function () {
function b() {
a.INVALID = Zc()
a.POSITION = $c()
a.NORMAL = ad()
a.COLOR = bd()
a.TEX_COORD = cd()
a.GENERIC = dd()
a.POINT_CLOUD = fd()
a.DT_INVALID = hd()
a.DT_INT8 = id()
a.DT_UINT8 = jd()
a.DT_INT16 = kd()
a.DT_UINT16 = ld()
a.DT_INT32 = md()
a.DT_UINT32 = nd()
a.DT_INT64 = od()
a.DT_UINT64 = pd()
a.DT_FLOAT32 = qd()
a.DT_FLOAT64 = rd()
a.DT_BOOL = sd()
a.OK = ud()
a.DRACO_ERROR = vd()
a.IO_ERROR = wd()
Ha ? b() : ua.unshift(b)
a.mainCallbacks = ua
if ('function' === typeof a.onModuleParsed) a.onModuleParsed()
a.Decoder.prototype.GetEncodedGeometryType = function (b) {
if (b.__class__ && b.__class__ === a.DecoderBuffer)
return a.Decoder.prototype.GetEncodedGeometryType_Deprecated(b)
if (8 > b.byteLength) return a.INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE
switch (b[7]) {
case 0:
return a.POINT_CLOUD
case 1:
return p.ready
'object' === typeof exports && 'object' === typeof module
? (module.exports = DracoDecoderModule)
: 'function' === typeof define && define.amd
? define([], function () {
return DracoDecoderModule
: 'object' === typeof exports &&
(exports.DracoDecoderModule = DracoDecoderModule)