mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 21:15:13 +00:00
fix storage proofs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
pub mod ffi;
pub mod hash;
pub mod poseidon;
// pub mod storageproofs;
pub mod storageproofs;
mod circuit_tests;
mod utils;
@ -1,210 +1,84 @@
// use ark_bn254::Bn254;
// use ark_std::rand::rngs::ThreadRng;
// use ark_circom::{CircomBuilder, CircomConfig};
// use ark_groth16::{ProvingKey, generate_random_parameters, prepare_verifying_key, create_random_proof as prove};
// use ruint::aliases::U256;
// use crate::poseidon::hash1;
use ark_bn254::{Bn254, Fr};
use ark_circom::{CircomBuilder, CircomConfig};
use ark_groth16::{
create_random_proof as prove, generate_random_parameters, prepare_verifying_key, verify_proof,
Proof, ProvingKey,
use ark_serialize::{CanonicalDeserialize, CanonicalSerialize, Read};
use ark_std::rand::rngs::ThreadRng;
use ruint::aliases::U256;
// #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
// #[repr(C)]
// pub struct StorageProofs {
// builder: CircomBuilder<Bn254>,
// pvk: ProvingKey<Bn254>,
// rng: ThreadRng,
// }
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StorageProofs {
builder: CircomBuilder<Bn254>,
pvk: ProvingKey<Bn254>,
rng: ThreadRng,
// impl StorageProofs {
// pub fn new(wtns: String, r1cs: String) -> Self {
// let mut rng = ThreadRng::default();
// let builder = CircomBuilder::new(CircomConfig::<Bn254>::new(wtns, r1cs).unwrap());
// let pvk = generate_random_parameters::<Bn254, _, _>(builder.setup(), &mut rng).unwrap();
impl StorageProofs {
pub fn new(wtns: String, r1cs: String) -> Self {
let mut rng = ThreadRng::default();
let builder = CircomBuilder::new(CircomConfig::<Bn254>::new(wtns, r1cs).unwrap());
let pvk = generate_random_parameters::<Bn254, _, _>(builder.setup(), &mut rng).unwrap();
// Self { builder, pvk, rng }
// }
Self { builder, pvk, rng }
// pub fn prove(
// &mut self,
// chunks: Vec<Vec<Fq>>,
// siblings: Vec<Vec<Fq>>,
// hashes: Vec<Fq>,
// path: Vec<u32>,
// root: Fq,
// salt: Fq,
// proof_bytes: Vec<u8>,
// public_inputs_bytes: Vec<u8>,
// ) -> Result<(), String> {
// let mut builder = self.builder.clone();
pub fn prove(
&mut self,
chunks: Vec<Vec<U256>>,
siblings: Vec<Vec<U256>>,
hashes: Vec<U256>,
path: Vec<u32>,
root: U256,
salt: U256,
proof_bytes: &mut Vec<u8>,
public_inputs_bytes: &mut Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut builder = self.builder.clone();
// chunks.iter().flat_map(|c| c.into_iter()).for_each(|c| {
// builder.push_input(
// "chunks",
// BigInt::from_biguint(Sign::Plus, c.into_repr().into()),
// )
// });
// vec of vecs is flattened, since wasm expects a contiguous array in memory
.flat_map(|c| c.into_iter())
.for_each(|c| builder.push_input("chunks", *c));
// siblings.iter().flat_map(|c| c.into_iter()).for_each(|c| {
// builder.push_input(
// "siblings",
// BigInt::from_biguint(Sign::Plus, c.into_repr().into()),
// )
// });
.flat_map(|c| c.into_iter())
.for_each(|c| builder.push_input("siblings", *c));
// hashes.iter().for_each(|c| {
// builder.push_input(
// "hashes",
// BigInt::from_biguint(Sign::Plus, c.into_repr().into()),
// )
// });
hashes.iter().for_each(|c| builder.push_input("hashes", *c));
// path.iter()
// .for_each(|c| builder.push_input("path", BigInt::new(Sign::Plus, vec![*c])));
path.iter().for_each(|c| builder.push_input("path", *c));
// builder.push_input(
// "root",
// BigInt::from_biguint(Sign::Plus, root.into_repr().into()),
// );
builder.push_input("root", root);
// builder.push_input(
// "salt",
// BigInt::from_biguint(Sign::Plus, salt.into_repr().into()),
// );
builder.push_input("salt", salt);
// let circuit = builder.build().unwrap();
// let inputs = circuit.get_public_inputs().unwrap();
// let proof = prove(circuit, &self.pvk, &mut self.rng).unwrap();
// let vk = prepare_verifying_key(&self.pvk.vk);
let circuit = builder.build().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let inputs = circuit
.ok_or("Unable to get public inputs!")?;
let proof = prove(circuit, &self.pvk, &mut self.rng).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// // proof.serialize(proof_bytes).unwrap();
// // inputs.serialize(public_inputs_bytes).unwrap();
proof.serialize(proof_bytes).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// Ok(())
// }
// // fn verify<R: Read>(self, hashes: Vec<i32>, root: i32, salt: i32,vk_bytes: R, proof_bytes: R) -> Result<(), String> {
// // let vk = ProvingKey::<Bn254>::deserialize(vk_bytes).unwrap();
// // let proof = Proof::<Bn254>::deserialize(proof_bytes).unwrap();
pub fn verify<R: Read>(self, proof_bytes: R, mut public_inputs: R) -> Result<(), String> {
let inputs: Vec<Fr> =
CanonicalDeserialize::deserialize(&mut public_inputs).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let proof = Proof::<Bn254>::deserialize(proof_bytes).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let vk = prepare_verifying_key(&self.pvk.vk);
// // let vk = prepare_verifying_key(&self.pvk.vk);
// // verify_proof(&vk, &proof, &public_inputs).unwrap();
verify_proof(&vk, &proof, &inputs.as_slice()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// // Ok(())
// // }
// }
// #[cfg(test)]
// mod test {
// use super::StorageProofs;
// use ark_bn254::Fq;
// use ark_ff::{UniformRand, Zero};
// use ark_std::rand::{rngs::ThreadRng, Rng};
// use arkworks_native_gadgets::{
// poseidon::{sbox::PoseidonSbox, *},
// prelude::ark_ff::PrimeField,
// };
// use arkworks_utils::{
// bytes_matrix_to_f, bytes_vec_to_f, poseidon_params::setup_poseidon_params, Curve,
// };
// fn digest(input: Vec<Fq>, chunk_size: Option<usize>) -> Result<Fq, PoseidonError> {
// let chunk_size = chunk_size.unwrap_or(4);
// let chunks = ((input.len() as f32) / (chunk_size as f32)).ceil() as usize;
// let mut concat = vec![];
// let hasher = hash1(Curve::Bn254, 5, (chunk_size + 1) as u8);
// let mut i: usize = 0;
// while i < chunks {
// let range = (i * chunk_size)..std::cmp::min((i + 1) * chunk_size, input.len());
// let mut chunk: Vec<Fq> = input[range].to_vec();
// if chunk.len() < chunk_size {
// chunk.resize(chunk_size as usize, Fq::zero());
// }
// concat.push(hasher(chunk)?);
// i += chunk_size;
// }
// if concat.len() > 1 {
// return hasher(concat);
// }
// return Ok(concat[0]);
// }
// fn merkelize(leafs: Vec<Fq>) -> Fq {
// // simple merkle root (treehash) generator
// // unbalanced trees will have the last leaf duplicated
// let mut merkle: Vec<Fq> = leafs;
// let hasher = hasher(Curve::Bn254, 5, 3);
// while merkle.len() > 1 {
// let mut new_merkle = Vec::new();
// let mut i = 0;
// while i < merkle.len() {
// new_merkle.push(hasher(vec![merkle[i], merkle[i + 1]]).unwrap());
// i += 2;
// }
// if merkle.len() % 2 == 1 {
// new_merkle.push(
// hasher(vec![merkle[merkle.len() - 2], merkle[merkle.len() - 2]]).unwrap(),
// );
// }
// merkle = new_merkle;
// }
// return merkle[0];
// }
// #[test]
// fn should_proove() {
// let mut rng = ThreadRng::default();
// let data: Vec<(Vec<Fq>, Fq)> = (0..4)
// .map(|_| {
// let preimages = vec![Fq::rand(&mut rng); 32];
// let hash = digest(preimages.clone(), None).unwrap();
// return (preimages, hash);
// })
// .collect();
// let chunks: Vec<Vec<Fq>> = data.iter().map(|c| c.0.to_vec()).collect();
// let hashes: Vec<Fq> = data.iter().map(|c| c.1).collect();
// let path = [0, 1, 2, 3].to_vec();
// let hash2 = hasher(Curve::Bn254, 5, 3);
// let parent_hash_l = hash2(vec![hashes[0], hashes[1]]).unwrap();
// let parent_hash_r = hash2(vec![hashes[2], hashes[3]]).unwrap();
// let siblings = [
// [hashes[1], parent_hash_r].to_vec(),
// [hashes[1], parent_hash_r].to_vec(),
// [hashes[3], parent_hash_l].to_vec(),
// [hashes[2], parent_hash_l].to_vec(),
// ]
// .to_vec();
// let root = merkelize(hashes.clone());
// let mut proof_bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
// let mut public_inputs_bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
// let r1cs = "/Users/dryajov/personal/projects/status/codex-zk/test/circuits/artifacts/storer_test.r1cs";
// let wasm = "/Users/dryajov/personal/projects/status/codex-zk/test/circuits/artifacts/storer_test_js/storer_test.wasm";
// let mut prover = StorageProofs::new(wasm.to_string(), r1cs.to_string());
// prover
// .prove(
// chunks,
// siblings,
// hashes,
// path,
// root,
// root, // random salt
// proof_bytes,
// public_inputs_bytes,
// )
// .unwrap();
// }
// }
Reference in New Issue
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