An evaluation of the IPFS paper =============================== 2021-01-06 Mark Spanbroek Goal of this evaluation is to find things to adopt or avoid while designing Dagger. It is not meant to be a criticism of IPFS. #### Pros: + IPFS is designed by simplifying, evolving, and connecting proven techniques (§3) + Consists of a stack of separately described sub-protocols (§3) + Uses Coral DSHT to favor data that is nearby, reducing latency of lookup (§2.1.2) + Uses proof-of-work in S/Kademlia to discourage Sybil attacks (§2.1.3) + Favors self-describing values such as multihash (§3.1) and multiaddr (§3.2.1) + BitSwap protocol for exchanging blocks supports multiple strategies (§3.4.2) + Uses content addressing (§3.5) + The Merkle DAG is simple, yet allows constucting filesystems, key-value stores, databases, messaging system, etc.. (§3.5) #### Cons: - Kademlia prefers long-lived nodes, which is not ideal for mobile enviroments (§2.1.1) - BitSwap falls just short of introducing a currency with micro payments, necessitating additional work for nodes to find blocks to barter with (§3.4) - Merkle DAGs and Paths (§3.5.1) feel like an unnecessary complication at the protocol level; they could have been implemented on top of a system consisting solely of content addressable chunks - Object pinning (§3.5.3) inevitably leads to centralized gateways to IPFS, such as Infura and Pinata - There are no self-describing multiformats for encryption and signing (§3.5.5) - IPFS uses variable size blocks instead of fixed-size chunks (§3.6) - Supporting version control directly in IPFS feels like an unnecessary complication (§3.6.5) - Handles mutable state by hacking it into the routing DHT, instead of using a separate mutable naming system like ENS