2022-09-20 15:59:03 +10:00

322 lines
11 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "./Collateral.sol";
import "./Proofs.sol";
contract Marketplace is Collateral, Proofs {
uint256 public immutable collateral;
MarketplaceFunds private funds;
mapping(bytes32 => Request) private requests;
mapping(bytes32 => RequestContext) private requestContexts;
mapping(bytes32 => Slot) private slots;
IERC20 _token,
uint256 _collateral,
uint256 _proofPeriod,
uint256 _proofTimeout,
uint8 _proofDowntime
Proofs(_proofPeriod, _proofTimeout, _proofDowntime)
collateral = _collateral;
function requestStorage(Request calldata request)
require(request.client == msg.sender, "Invalid client address");
bytes32 id = keccak256(abi.encode(request));
require(requests[id].client == address(0), "Request already exists");
requests[id] = request;
_createLock(id, request.expiry);
uint256 amount = price(request);
funds.received += amount;
funds.balance += amount;
transferFrom(msg.sender, amount);
emit StorageRequested(id, request.ask);
function fillSlot(
bytes32 requestId,
uint256 slotIndex,
bytes calldata proof
) public marketplaceInvariant {
Request storage request = requests[requestId];
require(request.client != address(0), "Unknown request");
require(request.expiry > block.timestamp, "Request expired");
require(slotIndex < request.ask.slots, "Invalid slot");
RequestContext storage context = requestContexts[requestId];
// TODO: in the case of repair, update below require condition by adding
// || context.state == RequestState.Started
require(context.state == RequestState.New, "Invalid state");
bytes32 slotId = keccak256(abi.encode(requestId, slotIndex));
Slot storage slot = slots[slotId];
require( == address(0), "Slot already filled");
require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= collateral, "Insufficient collateral");
_lock(msg.sender, requestId);
_expectProofs(slotId, request.ask.proofProbability, request.ask.duration);
_submitProof(slotId, proof); = msg.sender;
slot.requestId = requestId;
context.slotsFilled += 1;
emit SlotFilled(requestId, slotIndex, slotId);
if (context.slotsFilled == request.ask.slots) {
context.state = RequestState.Started;
_extendLockExpiry(requestId, block.timestamp + request.ask.duration);
emit RequestFulfilled(requestId);
function payoutSlot(bytes32 requestId, uint256 slotIndex)
bytes32 slotId = keccak256(abi.encode(requestId, slotIndex));
require(block.timestamp > proofEnd(slotId), "Contract not ended");
Slot storage slot = slots[slotId];
require( != address(0), "Slot empty");
require(!slot.hostPaid, "Already paid");
uint256 amount = pricePerSlot(requests[requestId]);
funds.sent += amount;
funds.balance -= amount;
slot.hostPaid = true;
require(token.transfer(, amount), "Payment failed");
/// @notice Withdraws storage request funds back to the client that deposited them.
/// @dev Request must be expired, must be in RequestState.New, and the transaction must originate from the depositer address.
/// @param requestId the id of the request
function withdrawFunds(bytes32 requestId) public marketplaceInvariant {
Request storage request = requests[requestId];
require(block.timestamp > request.expiry, "Request not yet timed out");
require(request.client == msg.sender, "Invalid client address");
RequestContext storage context = requestContexts[requestId];
require(context.state == RequestState.New, "Invalid state");
// Update request state to Cancelled. Handle in the withdraw transaction
// as there needs to be someone to pay for the gas to update the state
context.state = RequestState.Cancelled;
emit RequestCancelled(requestId);
// TODO: To be changed once we start paying out hosts for the time they
// fill a slot. The amount that we paid to hosts will then have to be
// deducted from the price.
uint256 amount = _price(request);
funds.sent += amount;
funds.balance -= amount;
require(token.transfer(msg.sender, amount), "Withdraw failed");
/// @notice Return true if the request state is RequestState.Cancelled or if the request expiry time has elapsed and the request was never started.
/// @dev Handles the case when a request may have been cancelled, but the client has not withdrawn its funds yet, and therefore the state has not yet been updated.
/// @param requestId the id of the request
/// @return true if request is cancelled
function _isCancelled(bytes32 requestId) internal view returns (bool) {
RequestContext memory context = requestContexts[requestId];
context.state == RequestState.Cancelled ||
context.state == RequestState.New &&
block.timestamp > requests[requestId].expiry
/// @notice Return id of request that slot belongs to
/// @dev Returns requestId that is mapped to the slotId
/// @param slotId id of the slot
/// @return if of the request the slot belongs to
function _getRequestIdForSlot(bytes32 slotId) internal view returns (bytes32) {
Slot memory slot = _slot(slotId);
require(slot.requestId != 0, "Missing request id");
return slot.requestId;
/// @notice Return true if the request state the slot belongs to is RequestState.Cancelled or if the request expiry time has elapsed and the request was never started.
/// @dev Handles the case when a request may have been cancelled, but the client has not withdrawn its funds yet, and therefore the state has not yet been updated.
/// @param slotId the id of the slot
/// @return true if request is cancelled
function _isSlotCancelled(bytes32 slotId) internal view returns (bool) {
bytes32 requestId = _getRequestIdForSlot(slotId);
return _isCancelled(requestId);
function _host(bytes32 slotId) internal view returns (address) {
return slots[slotId].host;
function _request(bytes32 id) internal view returns (Request storage) {
return requests[id];
function _slot(bytes32 slotId) internal view returns (Slot memory) {
Slot memory slot = slots[slotId];
require( != address(0), "Slot empty");
return slot;
function _context(bytes32 requestId) internal view returns (RequestContext storage) {
return requestContexts[requestId];
function proofPeriod() public view returns (uint256) {
return _period();
function proofTimeout() public view returns (uint256) {
return _timeout();
function proofEnd(bytes32 slotId) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 end = _end(slotId);
if (!_slotAcceptsProofs(slotId)) {
return end < block.timestamp ? end : block.timestamp - 1;
return end;
function _price(
uint64 numSlots,
uint256 duration,
uint256 reward) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return numSlots * duration * reward;
function _price(Request memory request) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return _price(request.ask.slots, request.ask.duration, request.ask.reward);
function price(Request calldata request) private pure returns (uint256) {
return _price(request.ask.slots, request.ask.duration, request.ask.reward);
function pricePerSlot(Request memory request) private pure returns (uint256) {
return request.ask.duration * request.ask.reward;
function state(bytes32 requestId) public view returns (RequestState) {
// TODO: add check for _isFinished
if (_isCancelled(requestId)) {
return RequestState.Cancelled;
} else {
RequestContext storage context = _context(requestId);
return context.state;
/// @notice returns true when the request is accepting proof submissions from hosts occupying slots.
/// @dev Request state must be new or started, and must not be cancelled, finished, or failed.
/// @param requestId id of the request for which to obtain state info
function _requestAcceptsProofs(bytes32 requestId) internal view returns (bool) {
RequestState s = state(requestId);
return s == RequestState.New || s == RequestState.Started;
/// @notice returns true when the request is accepting proof submissions from hosts occupying slots.
/// @dev Request state must be new or started, and must not be cancelled, finished, or failed.
/// @param slotId id of the slot, that is mapped to a request, for which to obtain state info
function _slotAcceptsProofs(bytes32 slotId) internal view returns (bool) {
bytes32 requestId = _getRequestIdForSlot(slotId);
return _requestAcceptsProofs(requestId);
struct Request {
address client;
Ask ask;
Content content;
uint256 expiry; // time at which this request expires
bytes32 nonce; // random nonce to differentiate between similar requests
struct Ask {
uint64 slots; // the number of requested slots
uint256 slotSize; // amount of storage per slot (in number of bytes)
uint256 duration; // how long content should be stored (in seconds)
uint256 proofProbability; // how often storage proofs are required
uint256 reward; // amount of tokens paid per second per slot to hosts
struct Content {
string cid; // content id (if part of a larger set, the chunk cid)
Erasure erasure; // Erasure coding attributes
PoR por; // Proof of Retrievability parameters
struct Erasure {
uint64 totalChunks; // the total number of chunks in the larger data set
struct PoR {
bytes u; // parameters u_1..u_s
bytes publicKey; // public key
bytes name; // random name
enum RequestState {
New, // [default] waiting to fill slots
Started, // all slots filled, accepting regular proofs
Cancelled, // not enough slots filled before expiry
Finished, // successfully completed
Failed // too many nodes have failed to provide proofs, data lost
struct RequestContext {
uint256 slotsFilled;
RequestState state;
struct Slot {
address host;
bool hostPaid;
bytes32 requestId;
event StorageRequested(bytes32 requestId, Ask ask);
event RequestFulfilled(bytes32 indexed requestId);
event SlotFilled(
bytes32 indexed requestId,
uint256 indexed slotIndex,
bytes32 indexed slotId
event RequestCancelled(bytes32 indexed requestId);
modifier marketplaceInvariant() {
MarketplaceFunds memory oldFunds = funds;
assert(funds.received >= oldFunds.received);
assert(funds.sent >= oldFunds.sent);
assert(funds.received == funds.balance + funds.sent);
/// @notice Modifier that requires the request state to be that which is accepting proof submissions from hosts occupying slots.
/// @dev Request state must be new or started, and must not be cancelled, finished, or failed.
/// @param slotId id of the slot, that is mapped to a request, for which to obtain state info
modifier slotMustAcceptProofs(bytes32 slotId) {
bytes32 requestId = _getRequestIdForSlot(slotId);
require(_requestAcceptsProofs(requestId), "Slot not accepting proofs");
struct MarketplaceFunds {
uint256 balance;
uint256 received;
uint256 sent;