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synced 2025-02-03 07:03:26 +00:00
1. Remove proof extension as it is not needed. Host are required to provide proofs from the moment they fill a slot, for the duration specified by the contract. This means that the ending of their requirements will be staggered at the end, as they were at the start, but this is more predicable for determining the cost of a request. 2. The proof end time was modified so that if the request state is not accepting proofs, it takes the min of the slot proof end time, the request end time, or block.timestamp - 1, which ensures that it returns a time in the past. If the slot is accepting proofs, it returns the slot end time. 3. Modify marketplace tests so that `waitUntilFinished` advances time to the proof ending of the last slot filled.
637 lines
23 KiB
637 lines
23 KiB
const { ethers } = require("hardhat")
const { hexlify, randomBytes } = ethers.utils
const { expect } = require("chai")
const { exampleRequest } = require("./examples")
const { hours, minutes } = require("./time")
const { requestId, slotId, askToArray } = require("./ids")
const {
} = require("./marketplace")
const { price, pricePerSlot } = require("./price")
const {
} = require("./evm")
describe("Marketplace", function () {
const collateral = 100
const proofPeriod = 30 * 60
const proofTimeout = 5
const proofDowntime = 64
const proof = hexlify(randomBytes(42))
let marketplace
let token
let client, host, host1, host2, host3
let request
let slot
beforeEach(async function () {
await snapshot()
await ensureMinimumBlockHeight(256)
;[client, host1, host2, host3] = await ethers.getSigners()
host = host1
const TestToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestToken")
token = await TestToken.deploy()
for (account of [client, host1, host2, host3]) {
await token.mint(account.address, 1_000_000_000)
const Marketplace = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestMarketplace")
marketplace = await Marketplace.deploy(
request = await exampleRequest()
request.client = client.address
slot = {
request: requestId(request),
index: request.ask.slots / 2,
afterEach(async function () {
await revert()
function switchAccount(account) {
token = token.connect(account)
marketplace = marketplace.connect(account)
describe("requesting storage", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
it("emits event when storage is requested", async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(request))
.to.emit(marketplace, "StorageRequested")
.withArgs(requestId(request), askToArray(request.ask))
it("rejects request with invalid client address", async function () {
let invalid = { ...request, client: host.address }
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(invalid))
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(invalid)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Invalid client address"
it("rejects request with insufficient payment", async function () {
let insufficient = price(request) - 1
await token.approve(marketplace.address, insufficient)
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(request)).to.be.revertedWith(
"ERC20: insufficient allowance"
it("rejects resubmission of request", async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request) * 2)
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(request)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Request already exists"
describe("filling a slot", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("emits event when slot is filled", async function () {
await expect(marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof))
.to.emit(marketplace, "SlotFilled")
.withArgs(slot.request, slot.index, slotId(slot))
it("locks collateral of host", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(marketplace.withdraw()).to.be.revertedWith("Account locked")
it("starts requiring storage proofs", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))).to.be.gt(0)
it("is rejected when proof is incorrect", async function () {
let invalid = hexlify([])
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, invalid)
).to.be.revertedWith("Invalid proof")
it("is rejected when collateral is insufficient", async function () {
let insufficient = collateral - 1
await marketplace.withdraw()
await token.approve(marketplace.address, insufficient)
await marketplace.deposit(insufficient)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Insufficient collateral")
it("is rejected when slot already filled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot already filled")
it("is rejected when request is unknown", async function () {
let unknown = await exampleRequest()
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(requestId(unknown), 0, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Unknown request")
it("is rejected when request is cancelled", async function () {
let expired = { ...request, expiry: (await currentTime()) - hours(1) }
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(expired)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(requestId(expired), slot.index, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Request not accepting proofs")
it("is rejected when request is finished", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Request not accepting proofs")
it("is rejected when request is failed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Request not accepting proofs")
it("is rejected when slot index not in range", async function () {
const invalid = request.ask.slots
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, invalid, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Invalid slot")
it("fails when all slots are already filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot already filled")
describe("proof end", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("shares proof end time for all slots in request", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i < lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof)
let slot0 = { ...slot, index: 0 }
let end = await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot0))
for (let i = 1; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
let sloti = { ...slot, index: i }
await expect((await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(sloti))) === end)
it("sets proof end time to the request duration once filled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))).to.be.eq(
(await currentTime()) + request.ask.duration
it("sets proof end time to the past once failed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
let slot0 = { ...slot, index: request.ask.maxSlotLoss + 1 }
const now = await currentTime()
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot0))).to.be.eq(now - 1)
it("sets proof end time to the past once cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
const now = await currentTime()
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))).to.be.eq(now - 1)
it("sets proof end time to the past once finished", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot) // sets proofEnd to block.timestamp - 1
const now = await currentTime()
// the proof end time is set to block.timestamp - 1 when the contract is
// finished. in the process of calling currentTime and proofEnd,
// block.timestamp has advanced by 1, so the expected proof end time will
// be block.timestamp - 2.
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))).to.be.eq(now - 2)
describe("freeing a slot", function () {
var id
beforeEach(async function () {
slot.index = 0
id = slotId(slot)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("fails to free slot when slot not filled", async function () {
slot.index = 5
let nonExistentId = slotId(slot)
await expect(marketplace.freeSlot(nonExistentId)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Slot empty"
it("fails to free slot when cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))).to.be.revertedWith(
"Slot not accepting proofs"
it("fails to free slot when finished", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
await expect(marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))).to.be.revertedWith(
"Slot not accepting proofs"
it("successfully frees slot", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await expect(marketplace.freeSlot(id)).not.to.be.reverted
it("emits event once slot is freed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.freeSlot(id))
.to.emit(marketplace, "SlotFreed")
.withArgs(slot.request, id)
it("cannot get slot once freed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await marketplace.freeSlot(id)
await expect(marketplace.slot(id)).to.be.revertedWith("Slot empty")
describe("paying out a slot", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("pays the host", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
const startBalance = await token.balanceOf(host.address)
await marketplace.payoutSlot(slot.request, slot.index)
const endBalance = await token.balanceOf(host.address)
expect(endBalance - startBalance).to.equal(pricePerSlot(request))
it("is only allowed when the contract has ended", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(
marketplace.payoutSlot(slot.request, slot.index)
).to.be.revertedWith("Contract not ended")
it("can only be done once", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
await marketplace.payoutSlot(slot.request, slot.index)
await expect(
marketplace.payoutSlot(slot.request, slot.index)
).to.be.revertedWith("Already paid")
it("cannot be filled again", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
await marketplace.payoutSlot(slot.request, slot.index)
await expect(marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)).to.be
describe("fulfilling a request", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("emits event when all slots are filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i < lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof))
.to.emit(marketplace, "RequestFulfilled")
it("sets state when all slots are filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("fails when all slots are already filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof)
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot already filled")
describe("withdrawing funds", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("rejects withdraw when request not yet timed out", async function () {
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Request not yet timed out"
it("rejects withdraw when wrong account used", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Invalid client address"
it("rejects withdraw when in wrong state", async function () {
// fill all slots, should change state to RequestState.Started
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Invalid state"
it("emits event once request is cancelled", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request))
.to.emit(marketplace, "RequestCancelled")
it("withdraws to the client", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
const startBalance = await token.balanceOf(client.address)
await marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)
const endBalance = await token.balanceOf(client.address)
expect(endBalance - startBalance).to.equal(price(request))
describe("contract state", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("changes state to Cancelled when client withdraws funds", async function () {
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("state is Cancelled when client withdraws funds", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("changes state to Started once all slots are filled", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("state is Failed once too many slots are freed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("state is Finished once slot is paid out", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
await marketplace.payoutSlot(slot.request, slot.index)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("does not change state to Failed if too many slots freed but contract not started", async function () {
for (let i = 0; i <= request.ask.maxSlotLoss; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
for (let i = 0; i <= request.ask.maxSlotLoss; i++) {
slot.index = i
let id = slotId(slot)
await marketplace.freeSlot(id)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("changes state to Cancelled once request is cancelled", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("changes isCancelled to true once request is cancelled", async function () {
await expect(await marketplace.isCancelled(slot.request)).to.be.false
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.isCancelled(slot.request)).to.be.true
it("rejects isSlotCancelled when slot is empty", async function () {
await expect(
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot empty")
it("changes isSlotCancelled to true once request is cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.isSlotCancelled(slotId(slot))).to.be.false
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.isSlotCancelled(slotId(slot))).to.be.true
it("changes proofEnd to the past when request is cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))).to.be.gt(
await currentTime()
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))).to.be.lt(
await currentTime()
describe("modifiers", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
describe("accepting proofs", function () {
it("fails when request Cancelled (isCancelled is true)", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Cancelled (state set to Cancelled)", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)
await expect(
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Finished (isFinished is true)", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
await expect(
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Finished (state set to Finished)", async function () {
const lastSlot = await waitUntilStarted(
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, lastSlot)
await marketplace.payoutSlot(slot.request, slot.index)
await expect(
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Failed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, slot, proof)
for (let i = 0; i <= request.ask.maxSlotLoss; i++) {
slot.index = i
let id = slotId(slot)
await marketplace.freeSlot(id)
await expect(
).to.be.revertedWith("Slot empty")