
96 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;
type RequestId is bytes32;
type SlotId is bytes32;
struct Request {
address client;
Ask ask;
Content content;
uint256 expiry; // time at which this request expires
bytes32 nonce; // random nonce to differentiate between similar requests
struct Ask {
uint64 slots; // the number of requested slots
uint256 slotSize; // amount of storage per slot (in number of bytes)
uint256 duration; // how long content should be stored (in seconds)
uint256 proofProbability; // how often storage proofs are required
uint256 reward; // amount of tokens paid per second per slot to hosts
uint64 maxSlotLoss; // Max slots that can be lost without data considered to be lost
struct Content {
string cid; // content id (if part of a larger set, the chunk cid)
Erasure erasure; // Erasure coding attributes
PoR por; // Proof of Retrievability parameters
struct Erasure {
uint64 totalChunks; // the total number of chunks in the larger data set
struct PoR {
bytes u; // parameters u_1..u_s
bytes publicKey; // public key
bytes name; // random name
enum RequestState {
New, // [default] waiting to fill slots
Started, // all slots filled, accepting regular proofs
Cancelled, // not enough slots filled before expiry
Finished, // successfully completed
Failed // too many nodes have failed to provide proofs, data lost
enum SlotState {
Free, // [default] not filled yet, or host has freed slot
Filled, // host has filled slot
Finished, // successfully completed
Failed, // host has missed too many proofs
Paid // host has been paid
library Requests {
function id(Request memory request) internal pure returns (RequestId) {
return RequestId.wrap(keccak256(abi.encode(request)));
function slotId(
RequestId requestId,
uint256 slotIndex
) internal pure returns (SlotId) {
return SlotId.wrap(keccak256(abi.encode(requestId, slotIndex)));
function toRequestIds(
bytes32[] memory ids
) internal pure returns (RequestId[] memory result) {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
result := ids
function toSlotIds(
bytes32[] memory ids
) internal pure returns (SlotId[] memory result) {
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly {
result := ids
function pricePerSlot(
Request memory request
) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return request.ask.duration * request.ask.reward;
function price(Request memory request) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return request.ask.slots * pricePerSlot(request);