
775 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const { ethers } = require("hardhat")
const { hexlify, randomBytes } = ethers.utils
const { expect } = require("chai")
const { exampleRequest } = require("./examples")
const { hours, minutes } = require("./time")
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
const { requestId, slotId, askToArray } = require("./ids")
const {
} = require("./marketplace")
const { price, pricePerSlot } = require("./price")
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
const {
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
} = require("./evm")
describe("Marketplace", function () {
const collateral = 100
const proofPeriod = 30 * 60
const proofTimeout = 5
const proofDowntime = 64
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
const proof = hexlify(randomBytes(42))
let marketplace
let token
2022-02-21 11:31:37 +01:00
let client, host, host1, host2, host3
let request
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
let slot
beforeEach(async function () {
await snapshot()
await ensureMinimumBlockHeight(256)
2022-02-21 11:31:37 +01:00
;[client, host1, host2, host3] = await ethers.getSigners()
host = host1
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
const TestToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestToken")
token = await TestToken.deploy()
2022-02-21 11:31:37 +01:00
for (account of [client, host1, host2, host3]) {
await, 1_000_000_000)
2022-02-21 11:31:37 +01:00
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
const Marketplace = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestMarketplace")
marketplace = await Marketplace.deploy(
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
request = await exampleRequest()
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
request.client = client.address
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
slot = {
request: requestId(request),
index: request.ask.slots / 2,
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
afterEach(async function () {
await revert()
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
function switchAccount(account) {
token = token.connect(account)
marketplace = marketplace.connect(account)
describe("requesting storage", function () {
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
beforeEach(function () {
it("emits event when storage is requested", async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(request))
.to.emit(marketplace, "StorageRequested")
.withArgs(requestId(request), askToArray(request.ask))
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
it("rejects request with invalid client address", async function () {
let invalid = { ...request, client: host.address }
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(invalid))
2022-02-17 11:00:18 +01:00
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(invalid))
"Invalid client address"
it("rejects request with insufficient payment", async function () {
let insufficient = price(request) - 1
await token.approve(marketplace.address, insufficient)
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(request))
2022-03-15 16:18:44 +01:00
"ERC20: insufficient allowance"
it("rejects resubmission of request", async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request) * 2)
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await expect(marketplace.requestStorage(request))
"Request already exists"
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
describe("filling a slot", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("emits event when slot is filled", async function () {
await expect(marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof))
.to.emit(marketplace, "SlotFilled")
.withArgs(slot.request, slot.index, slotId(slot))
it("locks collateral of host", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(marketplace.withdraw())"Account locked")
it("starts requiring storage proofs", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot)))
it("is rejected when proof is incorrect", async function () {
let invalid = hexlify([])
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, invalid)
)"Invalid proof")
it("is rejected when collateral is insufficient", async function () {
let insufficient = collateral - 1
await marketplace.withdraw()
await token.approve(marketplace.address, insufficient)
await marketplace.deposit(insufficient)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
)"Insufficient collateral")
it("is rejected when slot already filled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
)"Slot already filled")
it("is rejected when request is unknown", async function () {
let unknown = await exampleRequest()
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(requestId(unknown), 0, proof)
)"Unknown request")
it("is rejected when request is cancelled", async function () {
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
let expired = { ...request, expiry: (await currentTime()) - hours(1) }
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
await marketplace.requestStorage(expired)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(requestId(expired), slot.index, proof)
)"Request not accepting proofs")
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
it("is rejected when request is finished", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
)"Request not accepting proofs")
it("is rejected when request is failed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
)"Request not accepting proofs")
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
it("is rejected when slot index not in range", async function () {
const invalid = request.ask.slots
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, invalid, proof)
)"Invalid slot")
it("fails when all slots are already filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof)
)"Slot already filled")
describe("proof end", function () {
var requestTime
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
requestTime = await currentTime()
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("shares proof end time for all slots in request", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i < lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof)
let slot0 = { ...slot, index: 0 }
let end = await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot0))
for (let i = 1; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
let sloti = { ...slot, index: i }
await expect((await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(sloti))) === end)
it("sets the proof end time to now + duration", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(
(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))).toNumber()
) + request.ask.duration, 1)
it("sets proof end time to the past once failed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
let slot0 = { ...slot, index: request.ask.maxSlotLoss + 1 }
const now = await currentTime()
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot0))) - 1)
it("sets proof end time to the past once cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
const now = await currentTime()
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))) - 1)
it("checks that proof end time is in the past once finished", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
const now = await currentTime()
// in the process of calling currentTime and proofEnd,
// block.timestamp has advanced by 1, so the expected proof end time will
// be block.timestamp - 1.
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot))) - 1)
2022-07-19 11:33:54 +02:00
describe("request end", function () {
var requestTime
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
requestTime = await currentTime()
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("shares request end time for all slots in request", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i < lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof)
let slot0 = { ...slot, index: 0 }
let end = await marketplace.requestEnd(requestId(request))
for (let i = 1; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
let sloti = { ...slot, index: i }
await expect((await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(sloti))) === end)
it("sets the request end time to now + duration", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(
(await marketplace.requestEnd(requestId(request))).toNumber()
) + request.ask.duration, 1)
it("sets request end time to the past once failed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
let slot0 = { ...slot, index: request.ask.maxSlotLoss + 1 }
const now = await currentTime()
await expect(await marketplace.requestEnd(requestId(request)))
now - 1
it("sets request end time to the past once cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
const now = await currentTime()
await expect(await marketplace.requestEnd(requestId(request)))
now - 1
it("checks that request end time is in the past once finished", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
const now = await currentTime()
// in the process of calling currentTime and proofEnd,
// block.timestamp has advanced by 1, so the expected proof end time will
// be block.timestamp - 1.
await expect(await marketplace.requestEnd(requestId(request)))
now - 1
describe("freeing a slot", function () {
var id
beforeEach(async function () {
slot.index = 0
id = slotId(slot)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("fails to free slot when slot not filled", async function () {
slot.index = 5
let nonExistentId = slotId(slot)
await expect(marketplace.freeSlot(nonExistentId))
"Slot empty"
it("successfully frees slot", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await expect(marketplace.freeSlot(id))
it("emits event once slot is freed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.freeSlot(id))
.to.emit(marketplace, "SlotFreed")
.withArgs(slot.request, id)
it("cannot get slot once freed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await marketplace.freeSlot(id)
await expect(marketplace.slot(id))"Slot empty")
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
describe("paying out a slot", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("pays the host", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
const startBalance = await token.balanceOf(host.address)
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
const endBalance = await token.balanceOf(host.address)
expect(endBalance - startBalance).to.equal(pricePerSlot(request))
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
it("only pays when the contract has ended", async function () {
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
const startBalance = await token.balanceOf(host.address)
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
const endBalance = await token.balanceOf(host.address)
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
it("can only be done once", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
await expect(marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot)))
"Already paid"
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
it("cannot be filled again", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
2022-07-19 17:09:35 +02:00
await expect(marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof))
describe("fulfilling a request", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("emits event when all slots are filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i < lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof))
.to.emit(marketplace, "RequestFulfilled")
it("sets state when all slots are filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("fails when all slots are already filled", async function () {
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await expect(
marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, lastSlot, proof)
)"Slot already filled")
describe("withdrawing funds", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("rejects withdraw when request not yet timed out", async function () {
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request))
"Request not yet timed out"
it("rejects withdraw when wrong account used", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request))
"Invalid client address"
it("rejects withdraw when in wrong state", async function () {
// fill all slots, should change state to RequestState.Started
const lastSlot = request.ask.slots - 1
for (let i = 0; i <= lastSlot; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request))
"Invalid state"
it("emits event once request is cancelled", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request))
.to.emit(marketplace, "RequestCancelled")
it("withdraws to the client", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
const startBalance = await token.balanceOf(client.address)
await marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)
const endBalance = await token.balanceOf(client.address)
expect(endBalance - startBalance).to.equal(price(request))
describe("contract state", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("changes state to Cancelled when client withdraws funds", async function () {
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("state is Cancelled when client withdraws funds", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("changes state to Started once all slots are filled", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("state is Failed once too many slots are freed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
2022-09-13 17:20:07 +10:00
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("state is Finished once slot is paid out", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("does not change state to Failed if too many slots freed but contract not started", async function () {
for (let i = 0; i <= request.ask.maxSlotLoss; i++) {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, i, proof)
for (let i = 0; i <= request.ask.maxSlotLoss; i++) {
slot.index = i
let id = slotId(slot)
await marketplace.forciblyFreeSlot(id)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("changes state to Cancelled once request is cancelled", async function () {
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.state(slot.request)).to.equal(
it("changes isCancelled to true once request is cancelled", async function () {
await expect(await marketplace.isCancelled(slot.request))
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.isCancelled(slot.request))
it("rejects isSlotCancelled when slot is empty", async function () {
await expect(
)"Slot empty")
it("changes isSlotCancelled to true once request is cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.isSlotCancelled(slotId(slot)))
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.isSlotCancelled(slotId(slot)))
it("changes proofEnd to the past when request is cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot)))
await currentTime()
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(await marketplace.proofEnd(slotId(slot)))
await currentTime()
describe("modifiers", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
describe("accepting proofs", function () {
it("fails when request Cancelled (isCancelled is true)", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await expect(
)"Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Cancelled (state set to Cancelled)", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await marketplace.withdrawFunds(slot.request)
await expect(
)"Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Finished (isFinished is true)", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await expect(
)"Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Finished (state set to Finished)", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
await expect(
)"Slot not accepting proofs")
it("fails when request Failed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
await expect(
)"Slot empty")
describe("list of active requests", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
it("adds request to list when requesting storage", async function () {
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
expect(await marketplace.myRequests()).to.deep.equal([requestId(request)])
2022-11-23 12:39:49 +01:00
it("keeps request in list when cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
2022-11-23 12:39:49 +01:00
expect(await marketplace.myRequests()).to.deep.equal([requestId(request)])
it("removes request from list when funds are withdrawn", async function () {
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
await marketplace.withdrawFunds(requestId(request))
expect(await marketplace.myRequests()).to.deep.equal([])
2022-11-23 12:39:49 +01:00
it("keeps request in list when request fails", async function () {
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
2022-11-23 12:39:49 +01:00
expect(await marketplace.myRequests()).to.deep.equal([requestId(request)])
it("removes request from list when request finishes", async function () {
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
expect(await marketplace.myRequests()).to.deep.equal([])
2022-11-11 13:33:02 +11:00
describe("list of active slots", function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.approve(marketplace.address, price(request))
await marketplace.requestStorage(request)
await token.approve(marketplace.address, collateral)
await marketplace.deposit(collateral)
it("adds slot to list when filling slot", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
let slot1 = { ...slot, index: slot.index + 1 }
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot1.index, proof)
expect(await marketplace.mySlots()).to.have.members([
2022-11-11 13:33:02 +11:00
it("removes slot from list when slot is freed", async function () {
2022-11-11 13:33:02 +11:00
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
let slot1 = { ...slot, index: slot.index + 1 }
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot1.index, proof)
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
expect(await marketplace.mySlots()).to.have.members([slotId(slot1)])
2022-11-11 13:33:02 +11:00
it("keeps slots when cancelled", async function () {
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot.index, proof)
let slot1 = { ...slot, index: slot.index + 1 }
await marketplace.fillSlot(slot.request, slot1.index, proof)
await waitUntilCancelled(request)
expect(await marketplace.mySlots()).to.have.members([
it("removes slot from list when slot is paid out", async function () {
2022-11-11 13:33:02 +11:00
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFinished(marketplace, requestId(request))
await marketplace.freeSlot(slotId(slot))
expect(await marketplace.mySlots()).to.not.contain(slotId(slot))
2022-11-11 13:33:02 +11:00
it("removes slot from list when failed slot is freed", async function () {
await waitUntilStarted(marketplace, request, proof)
await waitUntilFailed(marketplace, request, slot)
expect(await marketplace.mySlots()).to.not.contain(slotId(slot))
2022-11-11 13:33:02 +11:00