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"""This module standardizes interfaces for consuming logs from external log sources; i.e. infrastructure
that stores logs. Such infrastructure might be a simple file system, a service like Logstash, or a database."""
import json
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Iterator
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from json import JSONDecodeError
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TextIO, Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, Type
from benchmarks.logging.logging import (
RawLine = str
ExperimentId = str
NodeId = str
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LogSource(ABC):
""":class:`LogSource` knows how to retrieve logs for experiments within experiment groups. A key assumption is that
group ids are known, and those can usually be recovered from, say, a workflow run."""
def experiments(self, group_id: str) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Retrieves all experiment IDs within an experiment group."""
def logs(
self, group_id: str, experiment_id: Optional[str] = None
) -> Iterator[Tuple[ExperimentId, NodeId, RawLine]]:
"""Retrieves logs for either all experiments within a group, or a specific experiments.
@param group_id: The group ID to retrieve logs for.
@param experiment_id: The experiment ID to retrieve logs for. If None, logs for all experiments in the group.
@return: An iterator of tuples, where each tuple contains the experiment ID, the node ID, and a raw (unparsed)
log line."""
class OutputManager(AbstractContextManager):
"""An :class:`OutputManager` is responsible for managing output locations for log splitting operations.
:class:`OutputManager`s must be closed after use, and implements the context manager interface to that end."""
def open(self, relative_path: Path) -> TextIO:
"""Opens a file for writing within a relative abstract path."""
if relative_path.is_absolute():
raise ValueError(f"Path {relative_path} must be relative.")
return self._open(relative_path)
def _open(self, relative_path: Path) -> TextIO:
class FSOutputManager(OutputManager):
"""Simple :class:`OutputManager` which writes directly into the file system."""
def __init__(self, root: Path) -> None:
self.root = root
self.open_files: List[TextIO] = []
def _open(self, relative_path: Path) -> TextIO:
fullpath = self.root / relative_path
parent = fullpath.parent
parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
f = fullpath.open("w", encoding="utf-8")
return f
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
for f in self.open_files:
except IOError:
class VectorFlatFileSource(LogSource):
"""Log source for flat JSONL files produced by [Vector](https://vector.dev/). This is typically used when running
experiments locally within, say, Minikube or Kind."""
def __init__(self, file: TextIO, app_name: str):
self.file = file
self.app_name = app_name
def experiments(self, group_id: str) -> Iterator[str]:
Retrieves all experiment IDs within an experiment group. Can be quite slow as this source supports
no indexing or aggregation.
See also: :meth:`LogSource.experiments`.
app_label = f'"app.kubernetes.io/name":"{self.app_name}"'
group_label = f'"app.kubernetes.io/part-of":"{group_id}"'
seen = set()
for line in self.file:
if app_label not in line or group_label not in line:
parsed = json.loads(line)
experiment_id = parsed["kubernetes"]["pod_labels"][
if experiment_id in seen:
yield experiment_id
def logs(
self, group_id: str, experiment_id: Optional[str] = None
) -> Iterator[Tuple[ExperimentId, NodeId, RawLine]]:
"""Retrieves logs for either all experiments within a group, or a specific experiments. Again, since this
source supports no indexing this can be quite slow, as each query represents a full pass on the file.
I strongly encourage not attempting to retrieve logs for experiments individually.
app_label = f'"app.kubernetes.io/name":"{self.app_name}"'
group_label = f'"app.kubernetes.io/part-of":"{group_id}"'
experiment_label = f'"app.kubernetes.io/instance":"{experiment_id}"'
for line in self.file:
# Does a cheaper match to avoid parsing every line.
if app_label in line and group_label in line:
if experiment_id is not None and experiment_label not in line:
parsed = json.loads(line)
except JSONDecodeError as err:
f"Failed to parse line from vector from source {line}", err
k8s = parsed["kubernetes"]
yield (
def __str__(self):
return f"VectorFlatFileSource({self.app_name})"
def split_logs_in_source(
log_source: LogSource,
log_parser: LogParser,
output_manager: OutputManager,
group_id: str,
formats: Optional[List[Tuple[Type[LogEntry], LogSplitterFormats]]] = None,
) -> None:
Parses logs for an entire experiment group and splits them onto separate folders per experiment, as well
as separate files for each log type. This makes it suitable for consumption by an analysis environment.
:param log_source: The :class:`LogSource` to retrieve logs from.
:param log_parser: A suitably configured :class:`LogParser` which can understand the logs.
:param output_manager: An :class:`OutputManager` to manage where output content gets placed.
:param group_id: The group ID to retrieve logs for.
:param formats: An additional format configuration to be fed onto :class:`LogSplitter`.
splitters: Dict[str, LogSplitter] = {}
formats = formats if formats else []
logger.info(f'Processing logs for group "{group_id} from source "{log_source}"')
for experiment_id, node_id, raw_line in log_source.logs(group_id):
splitter = splitters.get(experiment_id)
if splitter is None:
logger.info(f"Found experiment {experiment_id}")
splitter = LogSplitter(
lambda event_type, ext: output_manager.open(
Path(experiment_id) / f"{event_type}.{ext.value}"
for entry_type, output_format in formats:
splitter.set_format(entry_type, output_format)
splitters[experiment_id] = splitter
parsed = log_parser.parse_single(raw_line)
if parsed:
logger.info("Finished processing logs.")