This folder contains the required Kubernetes and Argo Workflow resources required to run experiments in Kubernetes both in local (e.g. Minikube, Kind) and remote clusters. ## Prerequisites ### Argo Workflows Whatever cluster you choose must be running [Argo Workflows]( **Local clusters.** For local clusters, you can follow the instructions in the [Argo Workflows Quickstart Guide]( to get Argo Workflows running. For remote clusters, it's best to consult the Argo Workflows [Operator Manual]( **Argo CLI Tool.** You will also need to install the [Argo CLI tool]( to submit workflows. **Permissions.** Codex workflows assume that they are running in a namespace called `codex-benchmarks`. We have a sample manifest which creates the namespace as well as the proper service account with RBAC permissions [here](./argo-workflows/codex-workflows-rbac.yaml). For local clusters, you can apply this manifest as it is. For remote clusters, you might need to customize it to your needs. ### Logs Experiments require logs to be stored for later parsing during analysis. For local clusters, this can be achieved by running [Vector]( and outputting pods logs to a persistent volume. The manifests for setting the persistent volume, as well as vector, can be found [here](./local). ### Submitting Workflows Once everything is set up, workflows can be submitted with: ```bash argo submit -n argo ./deluge-benchmark-workflow.yaml ``` for local clusters, you should add: ```bash argo submit -n argo ./deluge-benchmark-workflow.yaml --insecure-skip-verify ``` To observe progress, you can use the Argo Wokflows UI which can be accessed by port-forwarding the Argo Workflows server.