Maria Rushkova 59b95cdc98 New design (#42) (#45)
* Add new design

* Use yarn instead of npm

* Add 404 page style

* Update "See VAC Openings" CTA

* Change VAC to Vac

* Change specs link

* Keep post categories

* Change code formatting

* Update images

* Update media links

* Add media image default

* Update package.json

* Add twitter cards meta data

* Add media section back

* Remove images

* Comment script for form

* Change media urls to https

* Import font locally

* Add Anonymous font

* Change inner page layout

* Change pre code style

* Add font preloading

* Change post content styles

* Add alt attribute

* Change footer research links

* Update gitignore

* Add Fathom analytics

* Update links

* Change gif to video

* Add work cards links back

* Change footer spacing

* Change logo size

* Fix header

* Centered section join

* Make cards clickable

* Align left section join

* Remove graphic & video section about

* Return logo size

* Add post for Waku v1 vs Waku v2 bandwidth comparison (#43)

* Add post for Waku v1 vs Waku v2 bandwidth comparison

* Addressing PR comments

* Added future work. Minor changes to intro.

(cherry picked from commit 007696cfc9898178a03a34123c59176913de3463)

* Add <code> styles

* Add Hanno page

* Add opinion piece on ethics in surveillance tech (#44)

* Add opinion piece on ethics in surveillance tech

* Change published date. Added preface.

* wrong date - today is 3rd

(cherry picked from commit c64f5a889e48525a24313b17be808411620d1622)

* Add circe page

Co-authored-by: Hanno Cornelius <>
Co-authored-by: thecirce <>

Co-authored-by: Hanno Cornelius <>
Co-authored-by: thecirce <>
2022-01-13 00:02:14 +09:00

34 lines
1.2 KiB

source ""
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