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Oskar Thoren 2019-11-28 13:19:56 +08:00
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
layout: post
name: "Waku - Fixing Whisper"
title: "Waku - Fixing Whisper"
date: 2019-11-28 12:00:00 +0800
author: oskarth
published: true
permalink: /fixing-whisper-with-waku
categories: research
summary: A research log. Why Whisper can't scale and how to fix it.
image: /assets/img/whisper_scalability.png
This post will introduce Waku. Waku is a fork of Whisper that addresses some of
its shortcomings in an iterative way. It will also show a theoretical scaling
model for Status.
- Description of Whisper and recap of its issues (gossip, 'darkness', pow, incentive, spec etc)
- Introduce model
- Motivation for a new protocol
- Progress so far
## Whisper theoretical model
Whisper theoretical model. Attempts to encode characteristics of it. Specifically for use case such as one by Status (see [Status Whisper usage spec](
### Goals
1. Ensure network scales by being user or usage bound, as opposed to bandwidth growing in proportion to network size.
2. Staying with in a reasonable bandwidth limit for limited data plans.
3. Do the above without materially impacting existing nodes.
Case 1. Only receiving messages meant for you [naive case]
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A4. Only receiving messages meant for you.
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 1000.0KB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 1000.0KB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 1000.0KB/day
Case 2. Receiving messages for everyone [naive case]
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A5. Received messages for everyone.
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 97.7MB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 9.5GB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 953.7GB/day
Case 3. All private messages go over one discovery topic
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A6. Proportion of private messages (static): 0.5
- A7. Public messages only received by relevant recipients (static).
- A8. All private messages are received by everyone (same topic) (static).
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 49.3MB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 4.8GB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 476.8GB/day
Case 4. All private messages are partitioned into shards [naive case]
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A6. Proportion of private messages (static): 0.5
- A7. Public messages only received by relevant recipients (static).
- A9. Private messages partitioned across partition shards (static), n=5000
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 1000.0KB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 1.5MB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 98.1MB/day
Case 5. 4 + Bloom filter with false positive rate
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A6. Proportion of private messages (static): 0.5
- A7. Public messages only received by relevant recipients (static).
- A9. Private messages partitioned across partition shards (static), n=5000
- A10. Bloom filter size (m) (static): 512
- A11. Bloom filter hash functions (k) (static): 3
- A12. Bloom filter elements, i.e. topics, (n) (static): 100
- A13. Bloom filter assuming optimal k choice (sensitive to m, n).
- A14. Bloom filter false positive proportion of full traffic, p=0.1
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 10.7MB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 978.0MB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 95.5GB/day
NOTE: Traffic extremely sensitive to bloom false positives
This completely dominates network traffic at scale.
With p=1% we get 10k users ~100MB/day and 1m users ~10gb/day)
Case 6. Case 5 + Benign duplicate receives
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A6. Proportion of private messages (static): 0.5
- A7. Public messages only received by relevant recipients (static).
- A9. Private messages partitioned across partition shards (static), n=5000
- A10. Bloom filter size (m) (static): 512
- A11. Bloom filter hash functions (k) (static): 3
- A12. Bloom filter elements, i.e. topics, (n) (static): 100
- A13. Bloom filter assuming optimal k choice (sensitive to m, n).
- A14. Bloom filter false positive proportion of full traffic, p=0.1
- A15. Benign duplicate receives factor (static): 2
- A16. No bad envelopes, bad PoW, expired, etc (static).
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 21.5MB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 1.9GB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 190.9GB/day
Case 7. 6 + Mailserver under good conditions; small bloom fp; mostly offline
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A6. Proportion of private messages (static): 0.5
- A7. Public messages only received by relevant recipients (static).
- A9. Private messages partitioned across partition shards (static), n=5000
- A10. Bloom filter size (m) (static): 512
- A11. Bloom filter hash functions (k) (static): 3
- A12. Bloom filter elements, i.e. topics, (n) (static): 100
- A13. Bloom filter assuming optimal k choice (sensitive to m, n).
- A14. Bloom filter false positive proportion of full traffic, p=0.1
- A15. Benign duplicate receives factor (static): 2
- A16. No bad envelopes, bad PoW, expired, etc (static).
- A17. User is offline p% of the time (static) p=0.9
- A18. No bad request, dup messages for mailservers; overlap perfect (static).
- A19. Mailserver requests can change false positive rate to be p=0.01
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 3.9MB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 284.8MB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 27.8GB/day
Case 8. No metadata protection w bloom filter; 1 node connected; static shard
Next step up is to either only use contact code, or shard more aggressively.
Note that this requires change of other nodes behavior, not just local node.
- A1. Envelope size (static): 1024kb
- A2. Envelopes / message (static): 10
- A3. Received messages / day (static): 100
- A6. Proportion of private messages (static): 0.5
- A7. Public messages only received by relevant recipients (static).
- A9. Private messages partitioned across partition shards (static), n=5000
For 100 users, receiving bandwidth is 1000.0KB/day
For 10k users, receiving bandwidth is 1.5MB/day
For 1m users, receiving bandwidth is 98.1MB/day
See [source](
for more detail on the model and its assumptions.
### Takeaways
The results are summed up in the following graph. Notice the log-log scale. The
colored backgrounds correspond to the following bandwidth usage:
- Blue: <10mb/d (<~300mb/month)
- Green: <30mb/d (<~1gb/month)
- Yellow: <100mb/d (<~3gb/month)
- Red: >100mb/d(>3gb/month)
## Progress so far

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@ -7,44 +7,19 @@ author: oskarth
published: true
permalink: /fixing-whisper
categories: research
summary: A research log.
summary: A research log. Why Whisper can't scale and how to fix it.
image: /assets/img/whisper_scalability.png
**tldr: Whisper currently cant scale. This post shows why, and how to fix it.**
## Background
<!-- What is whisper? -->
TODO: Too Statu specific
Very few people use Whisper. One of the major consumers of it, Status, has major isues with bandwidth.
We have very few users for the Status app. Despite this, we have issues with bandwidth usage. One of the most common complaints I hear about Status, and the reason core contributors often dont use it at events for group coordination, is that it consumes too much bandwidth. People often have a limited data plan, and especially at big events weve seen community members have their whole data plan drained just by using Status.
For more precise user reports and some rough numbers, see e.g.: 2 2
We have made some improvements in this regard, both in the past and for the v1 release. Most recently by moving to a partitioned topic as opposed to a single discovery topic. There have also been improvements to mailserver performance 1.
Still, this isnt enough. At a fundamental level, the confidence that Whisper will scale to any reasonable level is very low, and for good reasons. However, this is more of a rough intuition, and we havent done any real studies on this or how to fix it. Right now its more like a pebble in our shoe that we keep walking around with, hoping itll go away.
There are a few reasons we havent made progress on making Whisper more scalable:
1) **Lack of adoption.** Few users means the problem havent hit us in any serious way, and the “scalability” issues weve solved have mostly been relevant for ~100-1k users. The issues we have seen have not been taken seriously enough, because people dont depend on Status to function.
2) **Church of Darkness.** One of our core principles is privacy, and this, coupled with lack of rigorous understanding of the protocols we use and their properties, have lead us to put an irrationally high premium on the metadata protection capabilities that Whisper provides.
3) **Timeline expectations.** There are more longer-term plans for replacing Whisper. This is the work that is happening with Vac 1 and together with entities like Block.Science, Swarm and Nym. This means weve historically not seen fixing Whisper ourselves as a big priority in the short to medium term.
## Going foward
With v1 of the app soon being out of the door (amazing job everyone!), we are going to start pushing for more adoption. For people to use Status, we need reasonable performance, on par with alternative solutions.
### On metadata protection and a reality check
Considering the financial constraints, we need to push for traction and make Status a joy to use sooner rather than later. This means we cant have people burn up their data plan and uninstall the app. Later on, we can enhance it with more rigorous guarantees around things like metadata protection, for example through mixnets such as the one Nym is working on.
As an end user, most people care more about being able to use the thing at all than theoretical (and somewhat unrigorous) metadata protection guarantees. Additionally, the proposed solutions will still enable hardcore users to get stronger receiver-anonymity guarantees if they so wish.
While the general confidence that Whisper will scale is low, the reasons aren't quite clear.
s an end user, most people care more about being able to use the thing at all than theoretical (and somewhat unrigorous) metadata protection guarantees. Additionally, the proposed solutions will still enable hardcore users to get stronger receiver-anonymity guarantees if they so wish.
It is also worth pointing out that, unlike apps like Signal, we dont tie users to their identity by a phone number or email address. This is already huge when it comes to privacy. Other apps like Briar also outsource the metadata protection to running on Tor. Now, this comes with issues regarding spam resistance, but thats a topic for another time.