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2018-09-28 18:47:04 +00:00
id: extensions_tutorial_chat_command
title: Extension chat command tutorial
# Write a chat command
One of the main use case for extensions is to add new chat commands. This tutorial will go step by step through the creation and deployment of a chat command allowing to send NFTs.
## Add meta data
First step is to create the skeleton extension with some relevant metadata:
{meta {:name "My command name"
:description "My command description"
:documentation "Some more details can go there"}}
Metadata will be displayed to the end user before installing an extension.
## Define hook entry point (chat command)
Hooks identify what part of status will be extended. Each hook has a unique identifier and a set of key/value elements specific to this hook.
An extension can implement several hooks.
In this tutorial a chat command is created: it's specific id is `collectible` and the generic hook type for a chat command is `commands`.
A `command` hook requires the following properties to be set:
* scope
* preview and short-preview
* parameters
### Scope
Scope can be any combination of:
* personal-chats
* group-chats
* public-chats
Here we will demonstrate `personal-chats`.
:scope #{:personal-chats}} ;; Could be #{:personal-chats :group-chats}
### Previews
`Previews` are used to display the result of a command execution in a chat.
`Short previews` will be displayed as last message in the chat item of the Home tab of Status.
Both previews must point to definition of UI in [Hiccup syntax]( using a combination of views, queries and events supported by status host.
More details can be found [here](
Previews receive data from status encapsulating the parameters provided by the end user and some relevant contextual information. Those can be accessed in a view using the `properties` reference.
Our short preview definition:
(let [{{{symbol :symbol} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing} properties]
[view {:flex-direction :row
:align-items :flex-start}
[text (if outgoing "Sent " "Received ")]
[text symbol]])}
`properties` data is accessed using [destructuring](
`text` and `view` are view elements available for all hosts.
`if` is a block providing conditional logic.
Our preview definition:
(let [{{{symbol :symbol token :token tx-hash :tx-hash} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing timestamp-str :timestamp-str} properties
collectible-token [get-collectible-token {:symbol symbol :token token}]
[view {:flex-direction :column
:align-items :flex-start}
[status/nft-token collectible-token]
[view {:color (if outgoing "#707caf" "#939ba1")
:margin-top 6
:font-size 12
:flex-direction :row}
[text "Sent at "]
[text timestamp-str]]
[status/send-status {:tx-hash tx-hash :outgoing outgoing}]])}
`status/nft-token` and `status/send-status` are view element specific to status.
`[status/get-collectible-token {:symbol symbol :token token}]` is a query giving access to details for a specific collectible.
### Parameters
The NFT chat command has 2 required parameters: the NFT type and the specific NFT you want to exchange.
Both will use Status UI components to provide a nice visual selection experience.
A parameter is identified by its `id` and must define a `type` and a `placeholder` (any string).
In this tutorial `:text` and `:number` will be used.
`suggestions` can be optionally provided and must point to a `view`.
:parameters [{:id :symbol
:type :text
:placeholder "Collectible symbol"
:suggestions status/asset-selector}
{:id :token
:type :number
:placeholder "Collectible token"
:suggestions status/token-selector}]}}
## Deploy
Extensions are identified by a URI and can be loaded in status via a universal link.
Currently only GitHub gist is supported as provider.
A universal link pointing to an extension would then look like: ``
## Use
The simplest option is to scan a QR code pointing to your extension. You can also navigate to status user profile and open the `Extensions` item in the `Advanced` section. This option is only available in developer mode.
Once loaded, details about an extension are available. An extension can then be installed. Once installed all hooks are `active`. Any extension can then be `deactivated` or re-`activated`. Associated hooks will then be removed/added from Status.
You can now use your new extension from within a 1-1 chat!
![collectibles in chat](/tutorials/thumbnails/collectible-chat-command.gif)
## Full extension code
{meta {:name "Collectibles"
:description "Demonstration of collectible command"
:documentation "Some nice documentation"}
(let [{{{symbol :symbol token :token tx-hash :tx-hash} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing timestamp-str :timestamp-str} properties
collectible-token [get-collectible-token {:symbol symbol :token token}]
[view {:flex-direction :column
:align-items :flex-start}
[status/nft-token collectible-token]
[view {:color (if outgoing "#707caf" "#939ba1")
:margin-top 6
:font-size 12
:flex-direction :row}
[text "Sent at "]
[text timestamp-str]]
[status/send-status {:tx-hash tx-hash :outgoing outgoing}]])
(let [{{{symbol :symbol} :params} :content outgoing :outgoing} properties]
[view {:flex-direction :row
:align-items :flex-start}
[text (if outgoing "Sent " "Received ")]
[text symbol]])
{:scope #{:personal-chats}
:preview preview
:short-preview short-preview
:parameters [{:id :symbol
:type :text
:placeholder "Collectible symbol"
:suggestions status/asset-selector}
{:id :token
:type :number
:placeholder "Collectible token"
:suggestions status/token-selector}]}}