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Waku is a decentralized, censorship-resistant, network and protocol family. It enables you to add communication features to your dApp in a decentralized manner, ensuring to your users that they will not be censored or de-platformed.
Waku can be used for chat purposes and for many machine-to-machine use cases.">
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<a href="">
<a href="" class="">Introduction</a>
<a href="" class="">Quick Start</a>
<a href="" class="">FAQ</a>
<a href="" class="">Use Cases</a>
<a href="" class="">Presentations &amp; Videos</a>
<a href="" class="">Guides</a>
<a href="" class="">How to Choose a Content Topic</a>
<a href="" class="">Discovery &amp; Bootstrap Nodes</a>
<a href="" class="">Receive and Send Messages Using Waku Relay</a>
<a href="" class="">Retrieve Messages Using Waku Store</a>
<a href="" class="">Encrypt Messages Using Waku Message Version 1</a>
<a href="" class="">Sign Messages Using a Web3 Wallet (EIP-712)</a>
<a href="" class="">Sign Messages Using Waku Message Version 1</a>
<a href="" class="">Send Messages Using Waku Light Push</a>
<a href="" class="">Receive and Send Messages Using Waku Relay With ReactJS</a>
<a href="" class="">Retrieve Messages Using Waku Store With ReactJS</a>
<a href="" class="">Send and Receive Messages Using Waku Relay With Angular v13</a>
<a href="" class="">Nwaku Service Node</a>
<a href="" class="">How to Debug your Waku dApp</a>
<a href="" class="">Vote Poll Sdk</a>
<a href="" class="">Create a DApp</a>
<a href="" class="">Create the DApp and Install Dependencies</a>
<a href="" class="">Connect to the Ethereum Wallet</a>
<a href="" class="">Connect to the Ethereum Wallet useDapp</a>
<a href="" class="">Poll SDK</a>
<a href="" class="">Create-A-Poll Button</a>
<a href="" class="">Poll Creation Component</a>
<a href="" class="">Poll List Component</a>
<a href="" class="">Vote SDK</a>
<a href="" class="">Deploy smart contract</a>
<a href="" class="">Creating Voting component</a>
<a href="" class="">Use Voting Component</a>
<a href="" class="">Examples</a>
<a href="" class="">Cryptographic Libraries</a>
<a href="" class="">Implemented Waku Protocols</a>
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JS-Waku API Doc
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Vac Team
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Vac RFCs
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<li><a href="#waku-connect-docs">Waku Connect Docs</a>
<li><a href="#bugs-questions--support">Bugs, Questions &amp; Support</a></li>
<article class="markdown"><h1 id="waku-connect-docs">
Waku Connect Docs
<a class="anchor" href="#waku-connect-docs">#</a>
<p>Waku Connect is a suite of libraries, SDKs and documentations to help you use Waku in your dApp.</p>
<p>Waku is a decentralized, censorship-resistant, network and protocol family.
It enables you to add communication features to your dApp in a decentralized manner,
ensuring to your users that they will not be censored or de-platformed.</p>
<p>Waku can be used for chat purposes and for many machine-to-machine use cases.
You can learn more about Waku at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>JS-Waku is the TypeScript implementation of the Waku protocol,
built for browser environment.</p>
<p>The <a href="/docs/quick_start/">quick start</a> presents an easy way to send and receive messages using js-waku.
The <a href="/docs/faq/">FAQ</a> lists frequently asked questions.</p>
<p>If you prefer video content, check out the <a href="/docs/presentations">presentations</a>.</p>
<p>If you are looking for inspiration, check out the <a href="/docs/use_cases">use cases</a> Waku can enable.</p>
<p>The <a href="/docs/guides">guides</a> explain specific js-waku features
and how it can be used with popular web frameworks.</p>
<p>The js-waku repository also holds a number of <a href="">examples</a>.
The examples are working Proof-of-Concepts that demonstrate how to use js-waku.
Check out the <a href="/docs/examples/">example list</a> to see what usage each example demonstrates.</p>
<p>You can also try out some of the examples at the following locations:</p>
<li><a href="">web-chat</a>: A simple public chat (<a href="/docs/examples/#web-chat-app">docs</a>).</li>
<li><a href="">eth-pm</a>: End-to-end encrypted private messages
(<a href="/docs/examples/#ethereum-private-message-web-app">docs</a>).</li>
<li><a href="">eth-pm-wallet-encryption</a>: Eth-pm using Web3 wallet encryption API
(<a href="/docs/examples/#ethereum-private-message-using-web3-wallet-encryption-api-web-app">docs</a>).</li>
<p>Finally, if you want to learn how Waku works under the hoods, check the specs at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<h2 id="bugs-questions--support">
Bugs, Questions &amp; Support
<a class="anchor" href="#bugs-questions--support">#</a>
<p>If you encounter any bug or would like to propose new features, feel free to <a href="">open an issue</a>.</p>
<p>For general discussion, get help or latest news,
join <strong>#js-waku</strong> on <a href="">Vac Discord</a> or the <a href="">Waku Telegram Group</a>.</p>
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