mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 23:36:25 +00:00
refactor: strenghten firebase data types (#390)
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
import type { Chat, DraftChat } from '$lib/stores/chat'
import type { DraftPersona, Persona } from '$lib/stores/persona'
import type { DraftPost, Post, PostPending } from '$lib/stores/post'
export function personaFromDB(persona: DBPersona, personaId: string): Persona {
return {
participantsCount: persona.participants.length,
picture: persona.picture,
minReputation: persona.minReputation,
cover: persona.cover,
name: persona.name,
pitch: persona.pitch,
description: persona.description,
postsCount: persona.postsCount,
timestamp: persona.timestamp,
export function personaToDB(persona: DraftPersona, participants: string[]): DBPersona {
return {
cover: persona.cover,
description: persona.description,
minReputation: persona.minReputation,
name: persona.name,
postsCount: persona.posts.length,
picture: persona.picture,
pitch: persona.pitch,
timestamp: persona.timestamp,
export function postDraftToDB(post: DraftPost, address: string): DBPostPending {
return {
demote: [],
promote: [],
export function postPendingFromDB(
post: DBPostPending,
postId: string,
address?: string,
): PostPending {
let yourVote: '+' | '-' | undefined = undefined
if (address && post.promote.includes(address)) yourVote = '+'
if (address && post.demote.includes(address)) yourVote = '-'
return {
text: post.text,
images: post.images,
timestamp: post.timestamp,
myPost: address === post.address,
export function postFromDB(post: DBPost, postId: string, address?: string): Post {
return {
text: post.text,
timestamp: post.timestamp,
images: post.images,
myPost: address === post.address,
export function chatToDB(chat: DraftChat, address: string, postAddress: string): DBChat {
return {
users: [address, postAddress],
personaId: chat.persona.personaId,
post: {
postId: chat.post.postId,
address: postAddress,
images: chat.post.images,
text: chat.post.text,
timestamp: chat.post.timestamp,
messages: [],
export function chatFromDB(chat: DBChat, persona: Persona, chatId: string): Chat {
return {
users: chat.users,
persona: persona,
post: {
postId: chat.post.postId,
images: chat.post.images,
text: chat.post.text,
timestamp: chat.post.timestamp,
messages: chat.messages,
@ -12,17 +12,9 @@ import {
} from '$lib/constants'
import { tokens } from '$lib/stores/tokens'
import { posts, type Post } from '$lib/stores/post'
import { posts, type Post, type PostPending } from '$lib/stores/post'
import { transaction, type TransactionRecord } from '$lib/stores/transaction'
import type { Adapter } from '..'
// FIXME: no idea where whe should put these so that they don't leak. I can limit to some specific origin I guess
const IPFS_AUTH =
const IPFS_GATEWAY = 'https://kurate.infura-ipfs.io/ipfs'
// Import the functions you need from the SDKs you need
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'
import {
@ -38,8 +30,19 @@ import {
} from 'firebase/firestore'
import { get } from 'svelte/store'
import { subscribeAccountChanged, subscribeChainChanged } from '../utils'
// TODO: Add SDKs for Firebase products that you want to use
// https://firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup#available-libraries
import {
} from './db-adapter'
// FIXME: no idea where whe should put these so that they don't leak. I can limit to some specific origin I guess
const IPFS_AUTH =
const IPFS_GATEWAY = 'https://kurate.infura-ipfs.io/ipfs'
// Your web app's Firebase configuration
const firebaseConfig = {
@ -82,6 +85,8 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
private subscriptions: Array<() => unknown> = []
private userSubscriptions: Array<() => unknown> = []
private votes = new Map<string, { promote: string[]; demote: string[] }>()
private participants = new Map<string, string[]>()
private postIdParticipant = new Map<string, string>()
async start() {
const personasQuery = query(collection(db, 'personas'))
@ -89,10 +94,10 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
personas.update((state) => {
const all = new Map<string, Persona>()
data.docs.forEach((e) => {
const persona = e.data()
persona.participantsCount = persona.participants?.length
persona.personaId = e.id
all.set(e.id, persona as Persona)
const dbPersona = e.data() as DBPersona
const persona = personaFromDB(dbPersona, e.id)
this.participants.set(e.id, dbPersona.participants)
all.set(e.id, persona)
return { ...state, all, loading: false }
@ -118,7 +123,8 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
const subscribeTransactions = onSnapshot(transactionSnapshot, (res) => {
const trns: TransactionRecord[] = []
res.docs.forEach((d) => {
trns.push(d.data() as TransactionRecord)
const transactionsDb = d.data() as DBTransaction
transaction.set({ transactions: trns })
@ -132,16 +138,10 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
const newChats = new Map<string, Chat>()
const personasTemp = get(personas)
res.docs.forEach((d) => {
const data = d.data()
const data = d.data() as DBChat
const persona = personasTemp.all.get(data.personaId)
if (!persona) return
const chat: Chat = {
post: data.post,
users: data.users,
chatId: d.id,
messages: data.messages,
const chat = chatFromDB(data, persona, d.id)
newChats.set(d.id, chat)
chats.update((state) => ({ ...state, chats: newChats, loading: false }))
@ -233,29 +233,27 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
await signer.signMessage('This "transaction" publishes persona')
const address = await signer.getAddress()
const personasCollection = collection(db, 'personas')
const { posts, ...persona } = draftPersona
const personaDoc = await addDoc(personasCollection, {
participants: [address],
postsCount: 5,
timestamp: Date.now(),
const { posts } = draftPersona
const personaDoc = await addDoc(personasCollection, personaToDB(draftPersona, [address]))
const postCollection = collection(db, `personas/${personaDoc.id}/posts`)
posts.forEach((p) =>
addDoc(postCollection, {
posts.forEach((p) => {
const dbPost: DBPost = {
addDoc(postCollection, dbPost)
const profileCollection = collection(db, `users/${address}/transactions`)
await addDoc(profileCollection, {
const transaction: DBTransaction = {
timestamp: Date.now(),
repChange: 0,
personaId: personaDoc.id,
type: 'publish persona',
await addDoc(profileCollection, transaction)
const { go, repTotal, repStaked } = get(tokens)
const user = doc(db, `users/${address}`)
@ -306,9 +304,9 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
signer: Signer,
): Promise<string> {
const address = await signer.getAddress()
const isMemberOfGroup = get(personas).all.get(groupId)?.participants?.includes(address)
const isMemberOfGroup = this.participants.get(groupId)?.includes(address)
const post = {
const post: DBPostPending = {
timestamp: Date.now(),
@ -330,13 +328,15 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
const postDoc = await addDoc(pendingPosts, post)
const profileCollection = collection(db, `users/${address}/transactions`)
await addDoc(profileCollection, {
const transaction: DBTransaction = {
timestamp: Date.now(),
personaId: groupId,
type: 'publish post',
await addDoc(profileCollection, transaction)
const { go, repTotal, repStaked } = get(tokens)
const user = doc(db, `users/${address}`)
@ -354,32 +354,14 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
const postsCollection = collection(db, `personas/${groupId}/posts`)
const subscribePending = onSnapshot(pendingCollection, (res) => {
const newPending: Post[] = []
const newPending: PostPending[] = []
res.docs.forEach((d) => {
interface PendingPost {
demote: string[]
images: string[]
promote: string[]
text: string
timestamp: number
address: string
const { text, images, timestamp, demote, promote, address } = d.data() as PendingPost
const loggedUser = get(profile)
let yourVote: '+' | '-' | undefined = undefined
this.votes.set(d.id, { promote, demote })
if (loggedUser.address && promote.includes(loggedUser.address)) yourVote = '+'
if (loggedUser.address && demote.includes(loggedUser.address)) yourVote = '-'
postId: d.id,
myPost: loggedUser.address === address,
const postDb = d.data() as DBPostPending
const { address } = get(profile)
this.votes.set(d.id, { promote: postDb.promote, demote: postDb.demote })
this.postIdParticipant.set(d.id, postDb.address)
newPending.push(postPendingFromDB(postDb, d.id, address))
posts.update(({ data }) => {
@ -407,7 +389,9 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
if (vt.promote.includes(address)) yourVote = '+'
if (vt.demote.includes(address)) yourVote = '-'
return { ...p, myPost: p.address === address, yourVote }
const postSender = this.postIdParticipant.get(p.postId)
return { ...p, myPost: postSender === address, yourVote }
data.set(groupId, { ...personaPostData, pending })
@ -420,22 +404,10 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
const newPostst: Post[] = []
res.docs.forEach((d) => {
interface DbPost {
images: string[]
text: string
timestamp: number
address: string
const { text, images, timestamp, address } = d.data() as DbPost
const loggedUser = get(profile)
postId: d.id,
myPost: address === loggedUser.address,
const postDb = d.data() as DBPost
const { address } = get(profile)
this.postIdParticipant.set(d.id, postDb.address)
newPostst.push(postFromDB(postDb, d.id, address))
posts.update(({ data }) => {
@ -477,34 +449,29 @@ export class Firebase implements Adapter {
setDoc(user, { address, go: go - VOTE_GO_PRICE }, { merge: true })
const profileCollection = collection(db, `users/${address}/transactions`)
await addDoc(profileCollection, {
const transaction: DBTransaction = {
timestamp: Date.now(),
goChange: -VOTE_GO_PRICE,
repChange: 0,
type: promoteDemote,
personaId: groupId,
await addDoc(profileCollection, transaction)
async startChat(chat: DraftChat): Promise<string> {
const address = get(profile).address
const { address } = get(profile)
const postSender = this.postIdParticipant.get(chat.post.postId)
if (!address) throw new Error('You need to be logged in to start a chat')
if (!chat.post.address) throw new Error('Info about original poster is missing')
if (!postSender) throw new Error('Info about original poster is missing')
if (!chat.post.postId) throw new Error('PostId is missing')
if (!chat.persona.personaId) throw new Error('PersonaId is missing')
const dbChat = {
users: [address, chat.post.address],
post: {
postId: chat.post.postId,
address: chat.post.address,
images: chat.post.images,
timestamp: chat.post.timestamp,
text: chat.post.text,
} as Post,
personaId: chat.persona.personaId,
const dbChat = chatToDB(chat, address, postSender)
const chatCollection = collection(db, `/chats`)
const chatDoc = await addDoc(chatCollection, dbChat)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
interface DBPersona {
cover: string
description: string
minReputation: ReputationOptions
name: string
participants: string[]
postsCount: number
picture: string
pitch: string
postsCount: string
timestamp: number
interface DBPost {
images: string[]
text: string
timestamp: number
address: string
interface DBPostPending extends DBPost {
demote: string[]
promote: string[]
interface DBChatMessage {
address: string
text: string
timestamp: number
interface DBChat {
messages: DBChatMessage[]
personaId: string
post: DBPost & { postId: string }
users: string[]
type DBTransaction = TransactionRecord
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
let avatar = createAvatar(botttsNeutral, {
size: 94, // This is 47pt at 2x resolution
seed: chat.chatId,
seed: (chat as Chat).chatId,
$: if (scrollElement) observer.observe(scrollElement)
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ export interface DraftChat {
post: Post
messages: Message[]
closed?: boolean
chatId?: string
export interface Chat extends DraftChat {
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ export interface Persona {
postsCount: number
minReputation: ReputationOptions
timestamp: number
participants?: string[] // FIXME: this is only needed for firebase, might want to remove
export interface DraftPersona
@ -7,18 +7,20 @@ export interface DraftPost {
export interface Post extends DraftPost {
yourVote?: '+' | '-'
myPost?: boolean
postId: string
address?: string // FIXME: only needed for firebase, might want to remove
myPost?: boolean
export interface PostPending extends Post {
yourVote?: '+' | '-'
interface PostData {
data: Map<string, { approved: Post[]; pending: Post[]; loading: boolean }>
data: Map<string, { approved: Post[]; pending: PostPending[]; loading: boolean }>
export interface PostStore extends Writable<PostData> {
addPending: (post: Post, groupId: string) => void
addPending: (post: PostPending, groupId: string) => void
addApproved: (post: Post, groupId: string) => void
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ function createPostStore(): PostStore {
return {
addPending: (post: Post, groupId: string) => {
addPending: (post: PostPending, groupId: string) => {
store.update(({ data }) => {
const personaPostData = data.get(groupId)
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { DEFAULT_GO_AMOUNT } from '$lib/constants'
import { writable, type Writable } from 'svelte/store'
export interface TokenData {
@ -15,8 +14,8 @@ export type TokenStore = Writable<TokenData>
function createTokenStore(): TokenStore {
const epochDuration = 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const store = writable<TokenData>({
repTotal: 55,
go: 0,
repTotal: 0,
repStaked: 0,
loading: false,
@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
import { writable, type Writable } from 'svelte/store'
type TransactionType =
| 'publish persona'
| 'promote'
| 'demote'
| 'publish post'
| 'vote_win'
| 'post_included'
| 'post_rejected'
export type TransactionType = 'publish persona' | 'promote' | 'demote' | 'publish post'
export interface TransactionRecord {
timestamp: number
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
{:else if $profile.signer !== undefined && $profile.address !== post.address}
{:else if $profile.signer !== undefined && !post.myPost}
<Button variant="primary" label="Chat with poster" icon={ChatBot} on:click={startChat} />
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
{:else if $profile.signer !== undefined && $profile.address !== post.address}
{:else if $profile.signer !== undefined && !post.myPost}
<Button variant="primary" label="Chat with poster" icon={ChatBot} on:click={startChat} />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user